

In the field of engineering, measurement is very important. Mostly, we use meter scales for measuring the objects in our daily life. Some objects are very small in size so these cannot be measured by the normal scale. Thus, we need a device that can measure the size, diameter, etc of a very small range. The micrometer is a device that can help us to measure the size or diameter of a ball, wire, or pipe with high accuracy. However, the use of such devices is somewhat confusing because it needs some basic knowledge of small units of lengths and also needs a calculation ability to find the final result with the use of the least counts.

What is a Micrometer?

A micrometer is a device is used by us for the measurement of small lengths. It was crafted by Willian Gascoigne in 1963. The purpose of the invention of this device was to measure the thickness, depth, or size of very small objects those are in the range of micro in size. We can use this device to measure the size of screws, pipes, and some other tools. This device is very necessary for accurate measurement in the field of engineering and research. Nowadays, the micrometer present in the market can measure the one-thousandth part of one inch. It looks like a C frame attached with a handle.

The modern micrometer also comes with a digital meter that is easy to read.

Parts of Micrometer

The micrometer is built of several parts to measure the accurate reading. Here are the details of all parts in below bullet points.

  • Frame − The frame of the micrometer looks like C. The size of the frame depends on the micrometer, if we are using a commercial micrometer then its size is larger than a normal lab micrometer. The frame has two holding points that hold the object.

  • Anvil − The anvils are located in the C frame which is also known as holding points.

  • Spindle − It is the part that can move inward or outward to keep the object tightly. The spindle is another holding point against the anvil. It is made up of shiny material and looks like a rod.

  • Sleeve − It is a circular cylindrical-shaped part of a micrometer that is on the spindle. This part of a micrometer has all reading values. It provides the readings.

  • Thimble − After the sleeve thimble is also a reading table that is mounted on a spindle. The work of the thimble is to show the values in fractions.

  • Ratchet − It is the most important and working part of a micrometer. This ratchet is free to move in any direction to set the spindle at the desired position for an accurate reading.

  • Lock nut − The micrometer is also fitted with a lock nut to fix or lock the position of the spindle so that we can prevent unwanted movement in reading by mistake.

  • Digital Reading display − In modern micrometers, we can see an LCD panel that displays the reading of the measurement. This is somewhat easy for novice operators as it gives the final result that includes the calculation with the least count.

Working Principle

A micrometer is designed to measure the little measurements. So, in a micrometer, we can see that it measures in very small quantities with normal actions. The complete rotation of the screw is changed in a very mm range displacement of the spindle.

  • In the micrometer, a complete rotation of the screw of the sleeve is converted into the movement of the spindle by very little displacement. Here, the screw is divided into small and equal parts. The rotation of the thimble by a single degree results in the movement of the spindle.

  • We can amplify the axial movement of the screw by setting up the diameter or lead of the screw to an appropriate size.

Importance of micrometer

The micrometer is very important for commercial and personal use. During any precise measurement, we have to use a micrometer.

  • The micrometer is used for measuring the accurate reading like size, and diameter for the machines which have moving parts like pistons, shafts, cranks, etc. These moving parts are in continuous motion in prescribed space so we have to craft these parts with very high accuracy. If there is any mistake in just a small unit can cause a serious fault to the complete machine.

  • For Fitting of bearings or pipe is very precise. During such fitting, we have to create the size of balls and diameter of the pipe very accurately so that the fitting has high finishing.

  • To measure the thickness of metal sheets we also need a micrometer.

  • We can also measure the diameter of wires or spherical balls.


In the above sections, we have made a complete detailed explanation of the micrometer. Here, we also know about the construction of a micrometer with its working principle. Also, the micrometer is very important in our daily life. Day by day due to advancements in technology objects becoming smaller which rise the importance of micrometers. There are various types of micrometers according to their uses and working principles. In the modern era, digital micrometers are popular.


1. What is the least count of micrometer?

The least count of micrometer is 0.1 mm.

2. What do you mean by Ball micrometer?

The ball micrometer is a device that has ball shape tips of the anvil. This type of micrometer is mostly used for measuring the thickness of the wall of any container

3. What do you mean by Blade micrometer?

A blade micrometer is another type of micrometer that has a sharp blade-like structure at the tips of the anvil and spindle. This type of micrometer is used for the measurement of specific structured objects like a ring, locket, etc.

4. What is a tube micrometer?

The tube micrometer is a specific type of micrometer. In this micrometer, we see that the holding points are perpendicular to the spindle and anvil. This micrometer can be used for the measurement of thickness, and diameter in a very easy manner as compared to other micrometers.

5. What are the types of micrometers?

Here are a few popular micrometers.

  • Ball micrometer

  • Blade micrometer

  • Tube micrometer

  • Pitch micrometer

  • Bench micrometer

  • Bore micrometer

  • Limit micrometer

  • V micrometer

6. What do you mean by Heart of micrometer?

As the heart is the main working part of our body same like this the heart of the micrometer is the part that is most important and it is the screw that is present in the barrel. The complete measurement and accuracy of the device depend on this screw.

Updated on: 25-Jan-2024


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