Maximum number of times N can be divided by distinct powers of prime integers

Dividing a given value N by distinct powers of prime integers presents an interesting problem within computer programming. It mandates analyzing the number of times that N can potentially undergo division with these varying powers. Here, we aim to explore this challenge and demonstrate its resolution via implementation in C++.


Prior to analyzing the algorithm and various approaches to it. It is vital to have a comprehensive understanding of how syntax will be incorporated in forthcoming code instances.

// Syntax for dividing N by distinct powers of prime integers
int countDivisions(int N);


The algorithm for determining the maximum number of times N can be divided by distinct powers of prime integers involves the following steps −

  • Start with the given number, N.

  • To keep track of the number of divisions required we will initialize a variable named count.

  • Iterate through a list of prime numbers.

  • For each prime number, check if it is a factor of N.

  • If the prime number is a factor, divide N by the prime number and increment count by 1.

  • Repeat steps 4 and 5 until N can no longer be divided by the prime number.

  • Move on to the next prime number and repeat steps 4-6.

  • Return the final value of count as the maximum number of divisions.


When it comes to resolving this challenge there exist several strategies that can be adopted. The scope of our analysis today will center on exploring just two of these potential remedies.

Approach 1: Trial Division

The trial division approach involves dividing the number N by each prime number and its powers until N is no longer divisible.

  • To create a roster of prime numbers, it is advisable to conduct an iteration through the said index of primes.

  • For each prime number, calculate the maximum power of the prime that divides N.

  • Divide N by the prime number raised to the maximum power.

  • Increment count by the maximum power.

  • Repeat steps 3-5 until N can no longer be divided by any prime number.


#include <iostream>
#include <vector>

int countDivisions(int N) {
   // Generate a list of prime numbers
   std::vector<int> primes = {2, 3, 5, 7, 11, 13, 17, 19, 23, 29};

   int count = 0;

   // Iterate through the list of prime numbers
   for (int prime : primes) {
      int power = 0;

      // Calculate the maximum power of the prime that divides N
      while (N % prime == 0) {
         N /= prime;

      // Increment count by the maximum power
      count += power;

      if (N == 1)

   return count;

int main() {
   int N = 100; // Example input

   int result = countDivisions(N);

   std::cout << "Maximum number of divisions: " << result << std::endl;

   return 0;


Maximum number of divisions: 4


To identify if a given number N is prime, one possible method is called "Trial Division." This technique entails dividing N by every available base unit (i.e., every distinct combination of primes and their powers) until it becomes indivisible. To carry out Trial Division in practice requires generating a list of all relevant primes first. Next, for each unique element in that list (one per round), iteratively ascertain how many times it will divide into N; any factor found will double as a primary subtrahend from further calculations within that same iteration loop cycle so long as applicable continuity conditions are met via a while loop structure: until such time as no future whole-number reductions are possible anymore within said particular division cycle iteration under review.

Approach 2: Prime Factorization

In the prime factorization approach, we factorize the given number N into its prime factors and their powers.

  • Factorize the given number, N, into its prime factors and their powers.

  • Iterate through the prime factors.

  • For each prime factor, calculate the maximum power of the prime that divides N.

  • Divide N by the prime factor raised to the maximum power.

  • Increment count by the maximum power.

  • Repeat steps 3-5 until N can no longer be divided by any prime factor.

  • Two Real Full Executable Codes

  • Here are two full executable codes based on the approaches mentioned above −


#include <iostream>
#include <map>

int countDivisions(int N) {
   std::map<int, int> primeFactors;

   // Factorize the given number, N
   for (int i = 2; i <= N; i++) {
      while (N % i == 0) {
         N /= i;

   int count = 0;

   // Iterate through the prime factors
   for (auto it = primeFactors.begin(); it != primeFactors.end(); it++) {
      int prime = it->first;
      int power = it->second;

      // Increment count by the maximum power
      count += power;

   return count;

int main() {
   int N = 100; // Example input
   int result = countDivisions(N);

   std::cout << "Maximum number of divisions: " << result << std::endl;

   return 0;


Maximum number of divisions: 4


Approach 2, known as Prime Factorization, involves factorizing the given number N into its prime factors and their powers. The code starts by creating a map called primeFactors to store the prime factors and their respective powers. It then iterates from 2 to N and checks if the current number is a factor of N. If it is, the code increments the power of that factor into primeFactors map and divides N by the factor. This process continues until N is no longer divisible by the current factor. Once the factorization is complete, the code calculates the maximum number of divisions by iterating through the primeFactors map. It adds up the powers of each prime factor and stores the result in a count variable. Finally, the code returns the count as the maximum number of divisions.


This article delved into the topic of identifying the maximum possible number of times that a specified value N can be divided by distinct powers of prime integers. To accomplish our objective successfully we considered the syntax, algorithmic approach along with disclosing two diverse techniques applied for solving such issues utilizing C++. Furthermore, we presented both full executable codes based on those methodologies that could assist you seamlessly integrate such functionalities into any project undertaken through C++. Having garnered such extensive understanding relating to problem-solution insight would enable customization as per one's requirement thus optimizing both effectiveness and efficiency accordingly in their respective programs written in C++

Updated on: 25-Jul-2023


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