math.Float64bits() Function in Golang With Examples


In the world of programming, effectiveness, and accuracy are vital. One dialect that grasps these standards is Go, too known as Golang. One significant angle of programming is working with numbers, and when it comes to floating-point numbers, precision things. This can be where the math.Float64bits() function in Golang sparkles. In this article, we are going to delve into the complexities of math.Float64bits() work, look at its noteworthiness and challenges in different applications, and eventually get its part within the broader setting of Golang programming.

Overview of Float64 in Golang

The float64 type in Golang uses the IEEE 754 standard representation to encode 64-bit floating point values. This encodes the sign, exponent, and mantissa components in a structured bit layout. Golang provides helpers like math.Float32frombits() and math.Float64frombits() to convert the bit patterns back into float values.

But math.Float64bits() handles the reverse - converting floats into their underlying bits. This allows direct inspection and manipulation of floats at the bit level. The IEEE 754 encoding grants portability of float values across platforms preserving precision. Math.Float64bits() provides reflection capabilities over this standardized low-level representation.

The math.Float64bits() work may be a portion of the Go programming language's math bundle. It is planned to change over a 64-bit floating-point number (float64) into its comparing 64-bit double representation as an unsigned number. This work gives a way to get to the crude bits of a float64 esteem, permitting designers to pick up an understanding of the fundamental binary structure that speaks to a floating-point number. This will be especially valuable for assignments like investigating, optimizing, and understanding the internal workings of the floating-point representation.

Math.Float64bits() Explained with Examplez?

The math.Float64bits() function takes a float64 value as input and returns its IEEE 754 bit layout as a uint64.


bits := math.Float64bits(3.14) // 0x40091eb851eb851f

This allows treating the float mathematically as an integer holding its ordered binary representation. The returned bits preserve the float's precision and can be converted back using math.Float64frombits(). Under the hood, math.Float64bits() simply uses unsafe casting from float64 to uint64 and back as Golang hides the type details.

Here are some different examples demonstrating use cases of the math.Float64bits() function in Golang −

  • Comparing floats by bit pattern ordering −

This allows non-standard float comparisons by leveraging the bit representations.

  • Implementing custom float encoding −


package main

import (

func encodeFloat(f float64) uint64 {
   bits := math.Float64bits(f)

   // Custom encoding by clearing sign bit
   return bits & 0x7FFFFFFFFFFFFFFF

func decodeFloat(bits uint64) float64 {
   // Restore sign bit when decoding
   return math.Float64frombits(bits | 0x8000000000000000)

func main() {
   a := 12.345

   encoded := encodeFloat(a)
   decoded := decodeFloat(encoded)

   fmt.Println("Original:", a)
   fmt.Println("Encoded:", encoded)
   fmt.Println("Decoded:", decoded)


Original: 12.345
Encoded: 4623139235229744497
Decoded: -12.345

Here math.Float64bits() allows implementing toy float encoding by manipulating the bit patterns.

  • Applying binary operations like XOR on floats −


package main

import (

func main() {
   a := 12.345
   b := 10.257

   // XOR floats by XORing their bit patterns
   aBits := math.Float64bits(a)
   bBits := math.Float64bits(b)

   xored := math.Float64frombits(aBits ^ bBits)

   fmt.Println(xored) // 2.088



The XOR example demonstrates applying bitwise operations on the float representations.

Use Cases and Examples

Math.Float64bits() is helpful for tasks like −

  • Examining the exact bit layout of a float64 for analysis.

  • Preserving precision when serializing/deserializing floats.

  • Sorting or comparing floats by their bit patterns rather than mathematically.

  • Applying bit-level manipulations like AND, OR, XOR on floats.

  • Implementing custom float encodings for compression.

Application Significance and Challenges

The significance of the math.Float64bits() function ranges different application spaces. In logical computing, where precision is fundamental, this work can help in analyzing and moderating precision-related issues. In framework programming, understanding the crude bits is significant for errands such as low-level optimization and meddling with equipment components that require exact numerical values.


In conclusion, math.Float64bits() enables low-level access and manipulation of Golang's float64 representation. Converting floats to their ordered bit patterns, opens up operations like binary analysis, customized formatting, and direct bit tweaking of floats. When used judiciously, math.Float64bits() provides Golang developers with a window into the standardized encoding of floats for advanced tasks. It serves as a gateway to the bit-wise realm underlying mathematical abstractions.

Updated on: 23-Oct-2023


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