Major Rivers of the World

Since the beginning of time, rivers have shaped human civilizations and are essential to the survival of our planet. They support various habitats and supply water for transportation, electricity generation, and agriculture. The largest rivers in the world are among nature's most amazing sights since they cut through mountains, valleys, and plains while flowing over great distances.

These rivers, which range in size and length from the powerful Amazon to the legendary Nile, are noteworthy for their cultural and historical significance in addition to their size and length.

List of Major Rivers of the World

Here is the detailed description of major rivers of the world −

Nile River

  • The Nile River, which flows through 11 nations in northeast Africa over a distance of 6,600 kilometres (4,100 miles), is the world's longest river.

  • From Lake Victoria, the river travels through Egypt, Sudan, and Uganda before draining into the Mediterranean Sea.

  • In Egypt and Sudan, the Nile River serves as the main source of water for domestic and agricultural purposes.

  • The Nile River, which is regarded as the region's lifeblood, was where the ancient Egyptian civilisation developed.

Amazon River

  • The Amazon River, which has an average flow of 209,000 cubic meters per second, is the greatest river in the world in terms of discharge volume.

  • With a length of more than 6,400 km (3,977 mi) from its source in the Andes Mountains to its mouth in the Atlantic Ocean, it is the second-longest river in the world.

  • The Amazon rainforest, which has an area of around 5.5 million square kilometres, is the biggest tropical rainforest in the world and surrounds the Amazon River.

  • The Amazon rainforest is home to a wide variety of plant and animal species, with estimates indicating that up to 30% of the world's species can be found there.

Yangtze River

  • With a length of more than 6,300 km, the Yangtze River is the third-longest river in the world and the longest in Asia.

  • It rises in the Tibetan plateau's glaciers, runs through China, and empties into the East China Sea.

  • With the Three Gorges Dam being the largest hydropower project in the world, the river is a crucial source of both water and electricity for the area.

  • Around 400 million people reside in the Yangtze River Basin, which is also one of China's most significant agricultural regions.

Mississippi River

  • The Mississippi River, which originates in Lake Itasca in Minnesota and flows 2,320 miles to the Gulf of Mexico, is the second-longest river in the country.

  • Over 1.2 million square miles and 31 states are contained within the Mississippi River basin.

  • With large cities like New Orleans, Memphis, and St. Louis situated along its banks, the river has a considerable impact on transportation, industry, and agriculture in the US.

  • More than 260 different fish species, as well as a wide variety of other plant and animal species, may be found in the river.

Yenisei River

  • The Yenisei River, which spans 3,487 miles (5,539 km), is the fifth-longest river in the world.

  • The largest river system that empties into the Arctic Ocean is thought to be in central and eastern Russia.

  • The Yenisei River rises in the Mongolian mountains, travels through Siberia, and then empties into the Arctic Ocean.

  • Along with a wide variety of plants and animals, the river is also home to the critically endangered Siberian tiger and snow leopard.

  • With numerous cargo ships transporting things including lumber, coal, and petroleum supplies, the river is an important route for transportation.

Yellow River

  • The second-longest river in China, generally referred to as the Huang He or Yellow River, flows 5,464 kilometres from the Bayan Har Mountains in Qinghai province to the Bohai Sea.

  • It is referred to be the "Mother River of China" and has contributed significantly to the civilisation of the nation for more than 5,000 years.

  • It is prone to flooding and has earned the nickname "China's Sorrow" due to the severe property damage and loss of life these floods inflict.

  • Due to the significant amounts of silt, it transports, the river has a yellowish-brown hue, earning it the moniker "Yellow River."

Ob River

  • The Ob River is a significant river in Russia's western Siberia.

  • With a length of around 3,650 km, the river is the seventh-largest river in the world and the longest in Russia.

  • It drains into the Arctic Ocean and has a drainage basin of 2,990,000 square kilometres.

  • It starts in the Altai Mountains and flows through some of the largest cities in Russia, including Novosibirsk and Surgut.

  • The Siberian sturgeon, grayling, and northern pike are among the many fish species that call the Ob River home.

  • The river was crucial to the Russian colonization of Siberia and the growth of the area's oil and gas sector.

Parana River

  • With a length of 4,880 kilometres, the Paraná River is the second-longest river in South America.

  • It is created in Brazil at the meeting of the Paranaiba and Grande rivers, and it passes through Uruguay, Paraguay, and Argentina.

  • The river's drainage basin spans an area of 2.8 million square kilometres and serves as the border between Argentina and Paraguay.

  • More over 40 million people live in its basin, making it an essential water source for agriculture and the production of hydroelectric power.

  • The Paraná River is home to a variety of ecosystems, including the UNESCO-designated biosphere reserve known as the Paraná River Delta.

Congo River

  • The Congo River has a maximum depth of 720 feet (220 meters), making it the deepest river in the world.

  • With a length of roughly 2,922 miles (4,700 kilometres), it is the second-longest river in Africa.

  • With an average discharge of 1.4 million cubic feet per second (40,000 cubic meters per second), the Congo River ranks fifth in terms of volume among all rivers in the globe.

  • For the nations it traverses, including the Republic of Congo and the Democratic Republic of the Congo, the Congo River represents a vital economic and transportation corridor.

Amur River

  • With a total length of 2,824 miles, the Amur River ranks ninth among the world's rivers in terms of length.

  • After the Yangtze River, it is also Asia's second-longest river.

  • Before the river flows wholly into Russia, it forms the border between China and Russia for roughly 750 miles.

  • One of the few rivers in the world to run north to south is this one.

  • The highly endangered Amur leopard and Siberian tiger are just two of the many plant and animal species that call the Amur River basin home.

  • The Amur River is home to a variety of dams and hydroelectric power plants, notably the Bureya Dam, one of the biggest in the world.

Top 10 Major Rivers of the World

The following river shows the top 10 major rivers of the world, their length, where they originate and end.


Length (km)





Lake Victoria, Uganda

Mediterranean Sea, Egypt



Andes Mountains, Peru

Atlantic Ocean, Brazil



Tanggula Mountains, China

East China Sea, Shanghai, China



Lake Itasca, Minnesota, USA

Gulf of Mexico




Arctic Ocean, Russia



Bayan Har Mountains, China

Yellow Sea, China



Altai Mountains, Russia

Gulf of Ob, Arctic Ocean



Brazilian Highlands, Brazil

Rio de la Plata, Argentina



Lake Tanganyika, Tanzania

Atlantic Ocean, Congo




Strait of Tartary, Russia


The world's major rivers are essential to the existence, growth, and preservation of both humans and the environment. These rivers support a variety of habitats and provide access to food, water, transportation, and electricity. Some of the longest and most significant rivers in the world, each with distinctive characteristics and major cultural and economic significance, are the Nile, Amazon, Yangtze, Mississippi, Yenisei, Yellow, Ob, Parana, Congo, and Amur Rivers. To guarantee that these rivers and their basins continue to contribute to the welfare of society and the environment, it is crucial to protect and manage them sustainably.

Frequently Asked Questions

Which one is the longest river in the world?

The Nile River in Africa is the longest river in the world.

Which one is the largest river in terms of water flow?

The Amazon River in South America is the largest river in terms of water flow.

Which river in Asia is known as the "cradle of Chinese civilization"?

The Yellow River in China is known as the "cradle of Chinese civilization".

Which one is the second-longest river in North America?

The Mississippi River is the second-longest river in North America, after the Missouri River.

Which river in Africa has the second-largest volume of water flow?

The Congo River in Africa has the second-largest volume of water flow, after the Amazon River in South America.

Which river in Siberian region is the longest?

The Yenisei River in Russia is the longest river in Siberia.

Which river forms part of the boundary between Russia and China?

The Amur River forms part of the boundary between Russia and China.

Which river in South America forms part of the border between Argentina and Paraguay?

The Parana River in South America forms part of the border between Argentina and Paraguay.

Which river in Africa is known as the "River of Life"?

The Nile River in Africa is known as the "River of Life".

Which river in North America forms part of the border between the United States and Mexico?

The Rio Grande River in North America forms part of the border between the United States and Mexico.

Updated on: 08-Nov-2023


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