Maintenance with CSS

CSS is widely known as the cascading style sheets and is used to style the elements which are created using the HTML tags and is responsible for the look and feel of the webpage. We can use CSS to change the color of the text, change the background, add any image or give space between texts. We can create many ways to display a single piece of content.

In this article, we are going to explain the ease of maintenance with CSS and what are the benefits of the CSS.

Advantages of CSS

Following are the advantages of using CSS −

Time Saving

When we write the CSS code, we can use it on multiple other elements in HTML as the code is reusable. We can apply styles to an element and then apply it to a number of webpages.

   .display {
      font-family: Arial;
      font-size: 25px;

By looking at the above code, you can see how less amount of code is used. And due to the short code it can be compiled quickly and it saves a lot of time.

Less amount of code

The CSS code which is written to style the elements on the webpage can be used in multiple other places as we use classes and due to less bandwidth consumption maintenance also gets easier in less code.

Ease of maintenance with CSS

The styles of CSS can be defined either globally or can be declared in a common location changes to any element can be made simply. Let’s say we have a website and we have used the same style for some elements and different for others. When we want to change the style of those elements it can be done easily by changing the style class. We can use property inheritance so as to use multiple style sheets with our HTML elements.

In the following code, by changing the class we can change the style of the elements.

   .display {
      font:12px Arial

Adhering the web standards

The HTML elements which are used are now getting depreciated, so it is recommended to use CSS along with HTML elements to style websites so that the HTML elements can be made compatible with the current and the future browsers.

Provides an independent platform

CSS provides an independent platform so it can support all kinds of browsers and can load the websites easily without any error.

Various ways to define a variety of styles

The function of CSS is in its name itself “Cascading” stating that we can use more than one style on a single element. We can override the global styles and declare local styles because the local styles precede before global styles.


In the following code, you can see that we used a selector to refer to 2 classes.

<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en">
   <title>This is an example</title>
      p.cen {
         color: red;
         text-align: center;
      p.lar {
         font-size: 30%;
   <h1 class="cen">There will be no effect in this heading</h1>
   <p class="cen">The color of the paragraph will be red and it's alignment will be centered.</p>
   <p class=" cen lar">The color of the paragraph will be red and it's alignment will be centered and the font size will be large.</p>

Now, as everything has its pros and cons, CSS also has its negatives. So, let’s talk about the drawbacks of CSS.

Drawbacks of CSS

Following are the major drawbacks of CSS −

  • It causes confusion − CSS has versions CSS 1 and CSS 3 and if the developer does not use the latest version then it might create confusion in recent browsers which can create problems in loading the styles correctly.

  • Inconsistency among different browsers − CSS may work in one manner in one browser but may work differently on some other browser that is why it is advised by the W3C to check the browser compatibility before running it.

  • Compatibility issues − There might be some compatibility issues which can arise after making some changes in the CSS. The change might be seen in some browsers and there might be a scarcity of safety.

  • Confusion for beginners − The world of programming is pretty huge as there are many languages which have their own function. The different version of CSS like CSS2 and CSS3 might confuse people who have just started their journey in programming.

  • Cross browser compatibility and difficulty for beginners − Different browsers use different logics to implement CSS stylesheets which can hinder the cross browser compatibility and certain levels in CSS might be hard or confusing for some beginners and early developers.


CSS is an important pillar in web development as any kind of styling is impossible without CSS. It might look confusing at first but after you get a hang of it, working in CSS becomes a charm for front-end developers. CSS was created as a method sheet language and its purpose was to separate document content from document presentation. The document presentation includes color, layout, font, size and much more. The look and feel of the webpage is the responsibility of CSS and it gives a lot of customization to the user.

Updated on: 18-Jan-2023


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