Loss of Indian Citizenship: Causes and Consequences


Loss of Indian Citizenship: The nature of Indian citizenship is unitary and Single Citizenship. It is not simple to gain the Indian Citizenship, but loosing is. This is why, as an aware citizens of India, we need to be aware about those points on which an Indian can lose its citizenship.

In this article, we have mentioned everything about loss of Indian Citizenship, their causes and consequences.

So, let's start-

Nature of Indian Citizenship

Indian citizenship is the legal status granted to an individual who is recognized as a member of the Indian nation. It is a complex concept that involves a range of legal, social, and cultural dimensions.

The Constitution of India defines Indian citizenship and sets out the conditions under which it may be acquired or lost.

Indian citizenship can be acquired in four ways:

  • By birth.
  • By descent.
  • By registration.
  • By naturalization.

The Indian citizenship law has undergone several changes over the years, with the most recent amendment being made in 2019.

How to Get Indian Citizenship

Indian citizenship can be acquired through various ways, as outlined in the Indian Citizenship Act of 1955 and subsequent amendments. Here are the ways to acquire Indian citizenship:

By Birth

If you are born in India on or after January 26, 1950, you are considered an Indian citizen by birth, regardless of the nationality of your parents.

By Descent

If either of your parents is an Indian citizen at the time of your birth, you can acquire Indian citizenship by descent.

By Registration

If you are not an Indian citizen by birth or descent, but you are eligible for registration, you can apply for citizenship by registration.

By Naturalization

If you are not an Indian citizen by birth, descent or registration, but you are eligible for naturalization, you can apply for citizenship by naturalization.

The process for acquiring Indian citizenship can be initiated by submitting an application to the appropriate authorities, such as the Ministry of Home Affairs or the Indian consulate in your country of residence.

Loss of Indian Citizenship: Causes and Consequences

Indian citizenship can be lost or revoked in certain circumstances, as outlined in the Indian Citizenship Act of 1955 and subsequent amendments. Here are the causes and consequences of loss of Indian citizenship:

Causes of Loss of Indian Citizenship


A person may renounce their Indian citizenship voluntarily by submitting a declaration of renunciation to the appropriate authorities.


Indian citizenship may be deprived or revoked by the government if the person has obtained it through fraud or misrepresentation, or if they have acted in a manner prejudicial to the interests of India.

Acquisition of Foreign Citizenship

Indian citizenship may be lost if a person acquires the citizenship of another country.

Consequences of loss of Indian citizenship

Loss of Rights and Privileges

Once Indian citizenship is lost, the person loses all the rights and privileges associated with Indian citizenship, including the right to vote, own property, and work in India.

Need for Visa and Permits

After losing Indian citizenship, the person may need to obtain a visa or permit to enter or work in India, depending on their nationality and the purpose of their visit.

Restrictions on Travel

The person may face restrictions on travel to India, and may not be allowed to stay in India for an extended period of time.


Q1. What is renunciation of Indian citizenship, and how is it done?

Ans: Renunciation of Indian citizenship is a voluntary act of giving up Indian citizenship. It can be done by submitting a declaration of renunciation to the appropriate authorities, either in India or at an Indian embassy or consulate abroad.

Q2. What happens to my Indian passport if I renounce my citizenship?

Ans: If you renounce your Indian citizenship, you will be required to surrender your Indian passport to the authorities. Your passport will be cancelled and returned to you as a proof of cancellation.

Q3. Can I retain my Indian citizenship if I acquire the citizenship of another country?

Ans: No, under Indian law, if you acquire the citizenship of another country, you will lose your Indian citizenship, unless you are granted permission by the Indian government to retain your Indian citizenship.

Q4. How long does it take to process an application for renunciation of Indian citizenship?

Ans: The processing time for renunciation of Indian citizenship can vary depending on the specific circumstances of the case and the location where the application is made. Generally, it can take several weeks to several months to process the application.

Q5. Can a person be stateless if they lose their Indian citizenship, also What is Stateless person?

Ans: Yes, a person can be stateless if they lose their Indian citizenship and do not acquire the citizenship of another country. A stateless person is someone who is not considered a citizen by any country under its laws. This can happen due to a variety of reasons, such as being born in a country that does not grant citizenship to people born there, or losing citizenship due to changes in citizenship laws. Stateless persons often face significant challenges in accessing basic rights and services, such as education, healthcare, and employment.

Updated on: 05-May-2023


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