Lexicographically smallest numeric string having odd digit counts

This article offers a thorough method for creating a lexicographically short N−length number string, where each digit must have an odd count. We offer an in−depth explanation of the problem statement, suggest a successful algorithmic strategy, and put it into practice using C++. The efficiency of the solution is revealed by the complexity analysis, and the accuracy and efficacy of the method are illustrated by an explanation using a test scenario

Problem Statement

Given a positive integer N, the task is to generate the smallest numeric string of size N which follows the lexicographical order, where each digit in the string must have an odd count. Let's delve into examples to get a better understanding −

Example 1

Let the Input taken be N = 5, 
Output is equal to 11111

Comment − The smallest string following lexicographical order is made up of the digit 1, which has an odd count.

Example 2

Let the Input taken be N = 6, 
Output is equal to 111112

Comment − The lexicographically smallest string is made up of the digits 1 and 2, both of which have an odd count.


  • Define the 'generateSmallestNumericString' function that takes an integer N(length of the resulting string) as a parameter and returns a string(of length equals N).

  • Inside the function: Declare a string variable named resultString which is taken as empty so that generated string can be stored later.

  • Using the modulo operator (%), check whether N is even or odd:

    • If it is even − Assign resultString with (N − 1) occurrences of the digit '1' concatenated with the digit '2'. This guarantees that the resulting string meets the odd count requirement for each number by having (N−1) ones and a single digit 2 i.e. N−1 will give odd as N is even and the count of 2 being 1 is also odd, hence the condition is met.

    • If N is odd − Assign the result with N occurrences of the digit '1'. This ensures that all digits in the resulting string are '1', satisfying the odd count requirement for each digit.

  • Finally, return the resulting smallest string.


Now, let us implement the above approach in different programming languages: C, C++, Java, and Python −

#include <stdio.h>
// Function to generate the lexicographically smallest numeric string with odd digit counts
void generateSmallestNumericString(int N, char resultString[]){
   // Check if N is even using the modulo operator (%)
   if (N % 2 == 0) {
      // If N is even: Assign the result with N - 1 occurrences of the digit '1'
      // and then concatenate it with the digit '2'.
      // This ensures that there are (N-1) ones and a single digit 2 in the resulting string,
      // satisfying the odd count requirement for each digit
      for (int i = 0; i < N - 1; i++) {
         resultString[i] = '1';
      resultString[N - 1] = '2';
      resultString[N] = '\0';  // Null-terminate the string
   } else {
      // If N is odd: Assign result with N occurrences of the digit '1'
      // This ensures that all digits in the resulting string are '1',
      // satisfying the odd count requirement for each digit
      for (int i = 0; i < N; i++) {
         resultString[i] = '1';
      resultString[N] = '\0';  // Null-terminate the string
int main(){
   int N = 6;  // Desired size of the string
   char smallestString[N + 1];  // +1 for the null terminator

   // Call the function to generate the lexicographically smallest numeric string with odd digit counts
   generateSmallestNumericString(N, smallestString);

   // Print the result
   printf("Smallest String with length N = %d is: %s\n", N, smallestString);

   return 0;


Smallest String with length N = 6 is: 111112
#include <iostream>
#include <string>
using namespace std;
string generateSmallestNumericString(int N) {
   string resultString = ""; // Variable to store the generated string
   // Check if N is even using the modulo operator (%)
   if (N % 2 == 0) {
      // If N is even: Assign the result with N - 1 occurrences of the digit '1' and then concatenate it with the digit '2'.
      // This ensures that there are (N-1) ones and a single digit 2 in the resulting string,
      // satisfying the odd count requirement for each digit
      resultString.append(N - 1, '1');
      resultString += '2';
   } else {
      // If N is odd: Assign result with N occurrences of the digit '1'
      // This ensures that all digits in the resulting string are '1,
      // satisfying the odd count requirement for each digit
      resultString.append(N, '1');
   return resultString; // Return the generated string
int main() {
   int N = 6; // Desired size of the string
   string smallestString = generateSmallestNumericString(N);
   // Call the function to generate the lexicographically smallest numeric string with odd digit counts
   cout <<"Smallest String with length N= "<<N<<" is: "<<smallestString << endl;
   return 0;


Smallest String with length N= 6 is: 111112
public class Main {
   public static String generateSmallestNumericString(int N) {
      StringBuilder resultString = new StringBuilder();  // Using StringBuilder for string concatenation
      // Check if N is even using the modulo operator (%)
      if (N % 2 == 0) {
         // If N is even: Assign the result with N - 1 occurrences of the digit '1'
         // and then concatenate it with the digit '2'.
         // This ensures that there are (N-1) ones and a single digit 2 in the resulting string,
         // satisfying the odd count requirement for each digit
         resultString.append("1".repeat(Math.max(0, N - 1)));
      } else {
         // If N is odd: Assign result with N occurrences of the digit '1'
         // This ensures that all digits in the resulting string are '1',
         // satisfying the odd count requirement for each digit
         resultString.append("1".repeat(Math.max(0, N)));
      return resultString.toString(); // Return the generated string
   public static void main(String[] args) {
      int N = 6; // Desired size of the string
      String smallestString = generateSmallestNumericString(N);
      // Call the function to generate the lexicographically smallest numeric string with odd digit counts
      System.out.println("Smallest String with length N = " + N + " is: " + smallestString);


Smallest String with length N = 6 is: 111112
def generate_smallest_numeric_string(N):
   # Variable to store the generated string
   result_string = ""
   # Check if N is even using the modulo operator (%)
   if N % 2 == 0:
      # If N is even: Assign the result with N - 1 occurrences of the digit '1'
      # and then concatenate it with the digit '2'.
      # This ensures that there are (N-1) ones and a single digit 2 in the resulting string,
      # satisfying the odd count requirement for each digit
      result_string += '1' * (N - 1)
      result_string += '2'
      # If N is odd: Assign result with N occurrences of the digit '1'
      # This ensures that all digits in the resulting string are '1',
      # satisfying the odd count requirement for each digit
      result_string += '1' * N
   return result_string
def main():
   # Desired size of the string
   N = 6
   # Call the function to generate the lexicographically smallest numeric string with odd digit counts
   smallest_string = generate_smallest_numeric_string(N)
   print(f"Smallest String with length N = {N} is: {smallest_string}")

if __name__ == "__main__":


Smallest String with length N = 6 is: 111112

Complexity Analysis

Time Complexity − The algorithm takes O(N) i.e. linear time, where N is the required string's length. When the length of the result string exceeds N, the loop stops iterating over the digits.

Space Complexity − Since the length of the result string increases with N, the space complexity is also O(N)

Explanation Using a Test Case

Test case → N=6

The 'generateSmallestNumericString' function in the provided code accepts an integer N as an input and outputs a string that represents the lexicographically shortest N−length numeric string with an odd count of each digit.

We call the 'generateSmallestNumericString' method and pass N as the argument in the main function after setting N to 6. The variable smallestString will contain the returned string

In the generateSmallestNumericString function −

  • Since N is even, so, (6 % 2 == 0), therefore the 'if' block will get executed.

  • The line resultString = string(N − 1, '1') + '2'; creates a string with (N − 1) occurrences of the digit '1' using the string constructor and then appends the digit '2' using the concatenation operator '+'.

  • Therefore, the resulting string is "111112", where the digit '1' has an odd count of 5 and the digit '2' has an odd count of 1, satisfying the conditions of the problem statement.

Hence, for the given test case i.e. N = 6, the lexicographically smallest numeric string with an odd count of each digit is "111112".


In this article, we covered a method for generating the lexicographically shortest N-character numeric string with an odd number of digits in each character. We offered a detailed explanation and a C++ implementation. The algorithm solves the issue successfully, and its time complexity is linear in relation to N. We may produce the desired string for any positive integer N by using this method.

Updated on: 23-Jan-2024


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