JMS - Point-To-Point Message


The point-to-point message approach includes a sender, a receiver and a queue; in which one message will be sent to only one receiver. Each message will communicate to a specific queue and the same queue will carry the message until receiver is ready.

JMS Point-To-Point Message

The parts (sender, receiver and queue) of this approach will specify that, each message communicates with a specific queue. The sending client will forward the message to queue and receiver client then extracts the message from the queue. A queue will keep all the messages, until they are consumed or expired.

The point-to-point message approach has following features −

  • It contains one client for each message.

  • The sender and receiver of message will not have any timing dependency.

  • The receiver will send an acknowledgment, after successfully receiving the message.

  • Each message communicates with a specific queue.
