JMS - Installation

In the previous chapters, we have discussed about overview of JMS API. Now we will see how to setup the development environment for executing JMS examples. We need to use JMS provider to run JMS API in the applications. Here, we are using OpenJMS service provider for running examples.

You need to have JDK and Eclipse to configure the OpenJMS provider. Download the Java EE (Enterprise Edition) from this link and Eclipse IDE can be downloaded from here.

Configuring JMS

Step 1 − Download the OpenJMS archive from here.

Download the OpenJMS

Step 2 − Click on the highlighted link and extract the to C drive.

Step 3 − Confirm the JAVA_HOME environment variable is set properly. Go to System Properties and click on the Environment Variables. Edit the User Variable and check for the JAVA_HOME variable.

Set Environment Variable

Step 4 − Now open the command prompt and navigate to the extracted folder. Go to the bin folder and type startup as shown in the image below.

Command Prompt Type Startup

Step 5 − Next, it will open the OpenJMS window, which shows the ports for accepting connections.

OpenJMS Window Ports for Accepting Connections

The above image indicates that OpenJMS server is started.
