Java Program to Find Longest Common Prefix Using Word by Word Matching

We are given a set of strings and we have to find the common prefix among all of them. Prefix is a substring for a string that contains the zero index and could be of any length from 1 to a complete string. We will implement a Java program with an explanation and a discussion of the time and space complexity.


string arr[] = {"abcdefgh", "abcdefij", "abcdzy", "abcdabacd"};




From all the given strings, we have the first four characters the same and the remaining characters are not same for all of them.


string arr[] = {{"abcdefgh", "bcdefij", "acdzy", "abcdabacd"};}




In the given string, none of them shares the same prefix

Comparing All the Strings

In this approach, we will traverse over all the strings one by one and will compare them with the first string and store the answer in another string.

We will create a function to compare the strings and a helper function to make the code neat.


public class Solution{
   // creating a function to find the longest common prefix of two given strings     
   static String commonPre(String str1, String str2){
      String ans = "";
      int len1 = str1.length(); // length of the string 1
      int len2 = str2.length(); // length of the string 2
      // comparing both teh strings until they are same 
      int i = 0; // pointer to traverse over both the string       
      while(i < len1 && i < len2){
         if(str1.charAt(i) != str2.charAt(i)){
         } else{
            // add the current character to the answer string 
            ans += str1.charAt(i);
      return ans; // return the answer 
   // helper function that will return the final answer 
   static String helper(String arr[], int len){
      String pre = arr[0]; // initializing the prefix variable         
      // comparing the zeoth string with all the string 
      for (int i = 1; i < len; i++){
         pre = commonPre(pre, arr[i]);
      return pre; // return the final answer 
   public static void main(String[] args) {        
      // given array 
      String arr[] = {"abcdefgh", "abcdefij", "abcdzy", "abcdabacd"};
      int len = arr.length; // getting length of the given array 
      String ans = helper(arr, len); // calling to the function  
      if (ans.length() > 0){
          // answer string is not empty 
          System.out.printf("The longest common prefix among the given strings is: %s", ans);
      } else{
         // answer string is empty 
         System.out.printf("There is no common prefix among the given strings");


The longest common prefix among the given strings is: abcd

Time and Space Complexity

The time complexity of the above code is O(N*M), where N is the number of string and M is the length of the strings.

The space complexity of the above code is O(M), as we have used a string to store the common prefix.

Word By Word Matching

In this approach, we are going to traverse over the first string and will use the for loop to traverse over the array and check for the current character of all the strings if is the same as of the first string or not.

If the size of any string is equal to a current pointer or the value is not the same, then we will stop further searching otherwise we will add the current character to the answer and will move further.

In the end, we will return the string and will print the answer in the main function.


public class Solution{
   // helper function that will return the final answer 
   static String helper(String arr[], int len){
      String ans = ""; // string to store the answer         
      //traversging over the first string 
      for (int i = 0; i < arr[0].length(); i++) {
         boolean flag = true; // boolean variable to keep track             
         // compare all the string with the first string current word
         for(int j = 1; j < len; j++){
            if(arr[j].length() == i){
               // current string is smallest
               // so, break the loop 
               flag = false; 
            else if(arr[j].charAt(i) != arr[0].charAt(i)){
               // current string's current character is not same 
               flag = false; 
            } else{
               // the current character is same for both the strings 
         if (flag) {
            ans += arr[0].charAt(i);
         } else {
      return ans; // return the answer
   public static void main(String[] args) {      
      // given array 
      String arr[] = {"abcdefgh", "abcdefij", "abcdzy", "abcdabacd"};
      int len = arr.length; // getting length of the given array 
      String ans = helper(arr, len); // calling to the function  
      if (ans.length() > 0){
         // answer string is not empty 
         System.out.printf("The longest common prefix among the given strings is: %s", ans);
      } else{
            // answer string is empty 
            System.out.printf("There is no common prefix among the given strings");


The longest common prefix among the given strings is: abcd

Time and Space Complexity

The time complexity of the above code is O(N*M), where N is the number of string and M is the length of the strings.

The space complexity of the above code is O(M), as we have used a string to store the common prefix.


In the above code, we have implemented a Java program to find the common prefix of the given string. We have implemented two approaches one is the direct traversal approach by comparing all the strings and another is the word-by-word match approach. The time complexity of both strings is O(N*M).

Updated on: 11-Jul-2023


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