Java Menu Driven Program to Perform Basic String Operations

String refers to a sequence of characters. In Java Strings are objects. To create and manipulate strings Java provides the String class. String class has many inbuilt methods which are used for different purposes.

We will perform a few basic string operations by using inbuilt String methods.

replace() Method: It replaces a specified character in the given string.
concat() Method: It appends another string to the end of one string.
length() Method: It returns the length of the given String.
Equals() Method: It checks whether two strings are equal or not.

In this article, we will see some basic string operations like Joining two strings, Counting length of the string, comparing two strings using Java programming language. We will be implementing the application using a switch case.

To show you some instances −


Suppose the first String is ‘Java’ and the second String is ‘Python’ then by joining two String will give ‘JavaPython’. Here the concat() method will be used.


Suppose the first String is ‘Java’ and the second String is ‘Python’ then by counting two String will give its respective length as 4 and 6. Here length() method will be used.


Suppose the first String is ‘Java’ and the second String is ‘Python’ then by comparing two String will give “Both strings are not equal”. Here equals() method will be used.


Suppose String is ‘Java’ and replace the letter ‘J’ with ‘R’ then the new string will be Rava. Here replace() method will be used.


To perform basic string operations like joining the string, getting length of the string, comparing the string and replacing a specific value in a String we use concat(), length(), equals() and replace() methods respectively. The concat() method appends (concatenate) a string to the end of another string. The length() method returns the length of a specified string. The length of an empty string is 0. The equals() method compares two strings, and returns true if the strings are equal, and false if not. The replace() method replaces a specified value in a String with another new value.

Following is the syntax for “for loop” −

for (statement 1; statement 2; statement 3) {
   // code block to be executed

Following is the syntax for concat function


Following is the syntax for length function


Following is the syntax for equals function


Following is the syntax for replace function

string1.replace(‘OldValue’, ‘NewValue’)


Step-1 − Declare a String variable and initialize the value.

Step-2 − Display the menu.

Step-3 − Ask the user to enter their choice.

Step-4 − Use a switch case to go to the choice and perform the operation.

Step-5 − Print the result.

Let’s see the program to understand it clearly.


import java.util.*; public class Main{ public static void main(String args[]){ System.out.println("First String"); String s1 = "Hello"; System.out.println("Second String"); String s2 = "World"; mainLoop: while (true) { Scanner inn = new Scanner( ); System.out.println("\n***Menu***"); System.out.println("1. Join Two Strings"); System.out.println("2. Get length of a String"); System.out.println("3. Compare two Strings"); System.out.println("4. Replace a value in String"); System.out.println("5. Terminate the program"); System.out.println("Enter action number (1-5): "); int command; if (inn.hasNextInt()){ command = inn.nextInt(); inn.nextLine(); } else{ System.out.println("\nILLEGAL RESPONSE. YOU MUST ENTER A NUMBER."); inn.nextLine(); continue; } switch(command) { case 1: String joinedString = s1.concat(s2); System.out.println("Joined String: " + joinedString); break; case 2: int length1 = s1.length(); System.out.println("Length of first String: " + length1); int length2 = s2.length(); System.out.println("Length of second String: " + length2); break; case 3: boolean result = s1.equals(s2); if(result == true) { System.out.println("Strings first and second are equal"); } else{ System.out.println("Strings first and second are not equal"); } break; case 4: String newString = s2.replace('W', 'Z'); System.out.println("After replacing the new string is: "+newString); break; case 5: System.out.println("Program terminated"); break mainLoop; default: System.out.println("Wrong choice!!"); } } } }


First String
Second String

1. Join Two Strings
2. Get length of a String
3. Compare two Strings
4. Replace a value in String
5. Terminate the program
Enter action number (1-5):
Length of first String: 5
Length of second String: 5

1. Join Two Strings
2. Get length of a String
3. Compare two Strings
4. Replace a value in String
5. Terminate the program
Enter action number (1-5):
Joined String: HelloWorld

1. Join Two Strings
2. Get length of a String
3. Compare two Strings
4. Replace a value in String
5. Terminate the program
Enter action number (1-5):
After replacing the new string is: Zorld

1. Join Two Strings
2. Get length of a String
3. Compare two Strings
4. Replace a value in String
5. Terminate the program
Enter action number (1-5):
Strings first and second are not equal

1. Join Two Strings
2. Get length of a String
3. Compare two Strings
4. Replace a value in String
5. Terminate the program
Enter action number (1-5):
Program terminated

In this article, we explored how to perform simple string operations in Java by using menu driven approach.

Updated on: 27-Dec-2022

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