Java Integer compare() method

The compare() method is used to compare two integer values numerically. The syntax is −

int compare(int val1,int val2)  

Above, a and b are the two integer values to be compared. If the return value is -1, therefore val1 is less than val2. Return value is 1, when val1 == val 2. The return value is 1, when val1 is greater than val2.

At first, declare int values to be compared −

int val1 = 200;
int val2 = 250;
int val3 = 200;

Now, compare the values −

System.out.println(, val2));
System.out.println(, val3));

Following is an example to implement the compare() method in Java −


public class Main {
   public static void main(String[] args) {
      int val1 = 200;
      int val2 = 250;
      int val3 = 200;
      System.out.println(, val2));
      System.out.println(, val3));



Updated on: 20-Sep-2019


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