Is Java dying at the hands of Oracle What future is there for Java?


Java is a widely used programming language since 1995 and Java has played a very important role in software development. Although there are many issues regarding its future due to events involving Oracle. Let us discuss these concerns and explore different viewpoints surrounding future of Java. We will explain whether Java is dying at the hands Oracle's influence or if it has the potential for a promising future.

In this article at first, we will discuss about the challenges faced due by Oracle and the simplicity of coding in Java language. After that we will also discuss Java's cross-platform compatibility and its prospects for the future. Lastly, we will talk about how Java has adapted to emerging trends in the software development industry.

Challenges faced due to Oracle and simplicity of coding in Java:

The future of Java faces difficulties as a result of Oracle's domination. Issues have been raised about Oracle's licensing practices, aggressive legal tactics, and the impression that the open-source community is not being supported. It is important for us to know that Java's fate is not determined by Oracle due to Java's open-source nature and simplicity of coding are possible in Java. 

In this programming example we will basically show how the java can do the outcome in terms of software development world as it is very easy to use


public class Welcomemsg 
   public static void main (String args [])
      System.out.println ("Welcome to the Tutorials Point !!");


Welcome to the Tutorials Point !!

Here at first, we have defined a class named WelcomeMessage which access modifier is public. Then we have called the main function under this particular class and simply printed a message.

Cross-Platform Compatibility and Future Prospects in Java:

Java is used for web development because it offers server mobility with frameworks like Spring Boot. Java also dominates the field of Android app development, which allows mobile apps with lots of features. The cross-platform portability of Java makes it suitable for IoT and cloud computing. Future of Java is still promising because of continuous support from Oracle. Java has robust ecosystem and cross-platform compatibility, which allows any program to be executed on various systems with a JVM.

In this particular programming example, we will see how to Cross-Platform Compatibility and Future Prospects in Java that develops the software industry.


public class multiply
   public static void main (String args []) 
      int a1 =3;
      int a2= 10;
      int c1 = a1 * a2;
      System.out.println ("Result: " + c1);


Result: 30

At first, we have defined a class named multiply which access modifier is public. Then we have declared three variables named “a1”, “a2” and “c1” respectively. Then we have initialized some values into these variables. 3 is assigned to the variable “a1”, 10 is initialized to the variable “a2”. Both these two variables are integer in type. Then we have simply multiplied the values and get the result. The resulted output is 30.

int a1 =3;
int a2= 10;
int c1 = a1 * a2;
System.out.println ("Result: " + c1);

Adaptation to Emerging Trends in Java:

The Java language has integrated features like lambda expressions, modularization, and improved security measures. These features were introduced in Java 8 version.

In this particular programming example, we will see how to Adaptation to Emerging Trends in Java.


public class exampleoflambda
   public static void main (String args [])
      // we use the lambda expression to implement a functional interface
      MyFunctionalInterface myFunc = (p, q) -> {
         int z = p + q;
         System.out.println ("result is: " + z);
      myFunc.calculate (60, 20);
interface MyFunctionalInterface 
   void calculate (int p, int q);


result is: 80

The adaptability power of java is emerging compared to other languages. For this at first, we have defined a class named exampleOfLamda which access modifier is public. Then we called the main function inside this particular class. Now we have used the lambda expression to implement a functional interface.

MyFunctionalInterface myFunc = (p, q) -> {
   int z = p + q;
   System.out.println ("result is: " + z);

Here we have declared a variable named “z” which is integer type and keep the value of addition of two variables “p” and “q”.

After that we called the method defined by the functional interface. Here we have simply called a function named myFunction.calculate and pass two values 60v and 20 inside the parenthesis of this function as parameter.

myFunc.calculate (60, 20);

Now we have done the functional interface with a single abstract method. Because there we not be needed of creating any object to this class. For this we have used abstract method.

interface MyFunctionalInterface {
   void calculate (int p, int q);

Here called the calculate () function and pass the two values inside the variable “p” and “q” as argument inside the parenthesis of this function.


After discussing all the aspect of the java development prospect in the respect of modern-day software world, we have come to this conclusion that oracle may be a good development company in modern day. But the popularity of java does not decrease at all, rather the popularity of the java platform is increasing day by day due to the scalability, robustness and authenticity of java. So, java will be there in the next future.

Updated on: 04-Oct-2023


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