Is 6 Hours of Daily Preparation Enough for UPSC?


Many UPSC toppers said that they have studied for 16-16 hours daily, but usually, in a person's life where there is a workload of social life, they are unable to take out 16 hours for studies. That's why candidates want to know that “is 6 hours of daily study enough for UPSC preparation?”

In this today’s article, we’re going to help you to get the related information about the time required for UPSC preparation.

So let's start

Is 6 Hours of Preparation Daily Enough for UPSC?

It is difficult to say whether 6 hours of study per day is enough for the UPSC (Union Public Service Commission) exam because the amount of time required to prepare for the exam can vary based on a number of factors, including the individual's prior knowledge, learning style, and level of dedication.

In general, UPSC exam preparation needs a significant amount of time and effort, as the exam covers a wide range of topics and requires a deep understanding of various subjects, including current events, history, geography, economics, and political science.

If you are starting your preparation early and have a good understanding of the concepts, 6 hours of study per day can be a good starting point. But for the exam approaches, you may need to increase your study time to cover the vast syllabus and revise accordingly.

It is important to focus that the quality of study time is just as important as the quantity. Focusing on understanding concepts rather than just fake learning can help you maximize your study time and perform well on the exam.

How Much Time Should I Devote to My Studies for The UPSC Exam?

The amount of time you should devote to your studies for the UPSC exam can vary based on a number of factors, including your prior knowledge, learning style, and level of dedication. But, as a general guideline, most successful candidates devote at least 6-8 hours per day to their studies in the months leading up to the exam.

Indeed, this is just a rough estimate, and the actual amount of time required can vary significantly based on individual circumstances. A few candidates may require more time, while others may be able to achieve success with less.

Can You Clear UPSC with Just 6 Hours of Study Daily? - A Realistic Analysis

Clearing the UPSC exam with just 6 hours of study daily is possible, but it largely depends on your prior knowledge, learning style, and level of dedication.

Here's a detailed and realistic analysis −

Prior Knowledge

If you have a strong foundation in the subjects covered by the UPSC exam, then you will be able to cover the material more quickly and effectively, which could help you to succeed with less study time.

Learning Style

Everyone learns differently, and some people may be able to absorb and retain information more easily than others. If you are a fast learner and have a good memory, you may be able to achieve success with fewer study hours.

Level of Dedication

Perhaps the most important factor is your level of dedication and commitment to the exam. If you are able to consistently devote 6 hours of focused and productive study time each day, and maintain this routine for several months leading up to the exam, you may be able to achieve success.

It is important to know that the UPSC exam is one of the toughest and most competitive exams in the world, and requires a deep understanding of a wide range of subjects.

Therefore, while 6 hours of daily study time may be a good starting point, it may not be enough to cover the entire syllabus and revise thoroughly.

Routine to Study for UPSC with Daily Preparation of 6 Hours

Here's a sample routine to study for the UPSC exam with 6 hours of daily study time −

  • Start your day by reading a newspaper or a current affairs magazine for an hour. This will help you stay updated with the latest events and issues.

  • Spend the next 2 hours studying one or two subjects in depth, such as history or geography. Focus on understanding the concepts and making notes.

  • Take a short break and use it to recharge your mind, such as by taking a walk or doing a quick exercise.

  • Spend the next 2 hours revising what you have studied earlier or practicing questions related to the topics covered. This will help you retain the information and identify areas that need more attention.

  • Take another short break and use it to relax or engage in a hobby or activity that you enjoy.

  • In the final hour, revise what you have studied throughout the day and make a plan for the next day's study.

Strategy to Clear UPSC - The Best Study Plan for UPSC with 6 Hours of Daily Study

If you want to clear the UPSC exam with just 6 hours of daily study time, here are some strategies you can follow −

  • Prioritize: Firstly, identify the subjects and topics that are most important for the exam and prioritize them in your study plan.

  • Make a Study Schedule: Create a realistic study schedule that allows you to cover all the subjects and topics in a structured and efficient manner. Divide your study time into smaller, manageable chunks and take breaks to avoid burnout.

  • Focus on Revision: Revision is crucial for retaining information and identifying areas that need more attention. Set aside a specific time for revision every day, and use this time to go over what you have studied earlier.

  • Use Online Resources: There are many online resources available that can help you prepare for the UPSC exam, such as video lectures, online courses, and study materials. Use these resources to supplement your studies and reinforce your understanding of the concepts.

  • Practice with Mock Tests: Mock tests are a great way to evaluate your progress and identify areas that need improvement. Take regular mock tests and analyze your performance to identify your strengths and weaknesses.

  • Stay Motivated: Stay motivated by setting realistic goals, rewarding yourself for achieving them, and staying connected with a supportive study group or community.


Q1. How to Optimize Your UPSC Preparation with 6 Hours of Daily Study?

Ans. Step 1: Divide Your Study Time: You need to create a study schedule that divides your 6 hours of daily study time into smaller, manageable chunks. For example, you could study for 2 hours in the morning, take a break, study for another 2 hours in the afternoon, take another break, and then study for the remaining 2 hours in the evening.

Step 2: Prioritize Your Subjects: Now, identify the subjects that are most important for the UPSC exam and prioritize them in your study plan. Focus on understanding the concepts thoroughly and making concise notes.

Step 3: Use Online Resources: Use online resources to supplement your studies and reinforce your understanding of the concepts. There are many online resources available that can help you prepare for the UPSC exam, such as video lectures, online courses, and study materials.

Step 4: Practice with Mock Tests: Take regular mock tests and analyze your performance to identify your strengths and weaknesses.

Step 5: Stay Motivated: Clearing the UPSC exam is a long and challenging process, and it's easy to lose motivation along the way. Stay motivated by setting realistic goals, rewarding yourself for achieving them, and staying connected with a supportive study group or community.

Q2. How to Prioritize Topics and Subjects with Limited Study Time for UPSC?


Step 1: Analyze the Syllabus: Carefully analyze the UPSC syllabus and identify the most important topics and subjects.

Step 2: Prioritize: Prioritize the topics and subjects based on their relevance and weightage in the exam. Focus on understanding the concepts thoroughly and making concise notes.

Step 3: Identify Your Strengths and Weaknesses: Identify your strengths and weaknesses and allocate more time to the subjects and topics that need more attention.

Step 4: Use Previous Year Question Papers: Analyze the previous year question papers and identify the topics and subjects that are frequently asked in the exam. Focus on these topics and subjects.

Step 5: Stay Updated: Stay updated with the latest events and issues by reading newspapers and current affairs magazines. This will help you stay abreast of the latest developments and incorporate them into your studies.

Q3. How to Enhance Your Answer Writing Skills with 6 Hours of Daily Study for UPSC?


Step 1: Read and Analyze: Read and analyze model answers to get a sense of what the examiners are looking for.

Step 2: Practice Writing Answers: Practice writing answers to the previous year’s question papers and mock tests. Analyze your answers and identify areas that need improvement.

Step 3: Develop a Structure: Develop a structure for your answers, with a clear introduction, main body, and conclusion. Make sure your answers are concise, logical, and well-organized.

Step 4: Use Examples: Use examples to illustrate your points and make your answers more convincing. Use real-life examples from current affairs and other sources.

Step 5: Get Feedback: Get feedback on your answers from teachers, mentors, or peers. Incorporate their feedback into your writing and continue to practice and improve your answer writing skills.

Updated on: 13-Apr-2023


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