IoT Devices vs. Hackers: How to Be Safe in the Internet of Things

In recent years, IoT gadgets have risen to prominence as some of the century's most pivotal innovations. Internet of Things (IoT) gadgets like the Amazon Echo and the Google Home make it feasible to control music playback, timers, and data retrieval with the user's voice alone.

A brief description of IoT

IoT innovation has made this possible by using limited computing, cloud services, big data, data analysis, as well as mobile technologies to make it possible for physical objects to start sharing and collecting data with little help from people.

IoT is the network of items that communicate and share data with each other and systems over the Internet. These devices have sensors, software, as well as other receivers built into them. Smart speakers like Amazon Echo are the most well-known IoT devices.

How do hackers break into the IoT?

During 2018 and the first half of 2019, there were more denial-of-service attacks than ever before. As zombies, hackers have used DDoS-as-a-Service tools, ways to make anonymous payments, and IoT devices.

Hackers have found that IoT devices are a great way to launch large-scale attacks because they are always on and rarely checked, and they usually have very weak passwords. So, hackers can take over a lot of IoT devices to create armies of bots. According to Radware's analysis of the state of cybercrime in 2018, hackers launched more botnets because more IoT devices were being used.

How does IoT make people safer?

Before we answer that question, there is a benefit of IoT that might surprise you. It's that IoT truly has a lot of good uses that can directly change a lot of people's lives.

We could see this happening most often in healthcare and for people who work in dangerous conditions.

In Healthcare − IoT devices are able to remote robot-assisted surgery possible in healthcare. This can help patients do better and save money. IoT data collection also lets doctors keep an eye out for early symptoms of illness in their patients, which makes preventive care much more effective.

In dangerous situations − Employees who work in dangerous conditions need to know if a disaster that could affect them is going to happen. People working in mines, oil and gas, chemical plants, and power plants, for example, can be informed of accidents as soon as possible or rescued from them if they are linked to the Internet - of - things sensor-based applications.

So, even though we are eventually going to talk about Personal Information Security, it is essential to mention that IoT wasn't all bad.

Personal Information Security

IntellectSoft says that the main reason why most IoT security problems happen is that manufacturers don't put enough time and money into security.

IoT is becoming more and more popular, so innovative IoT devices are coming out every day.

For instance, most Bluetooth fitness trackers do not disappear after the initial hookup. An Internet-connected fridge can leak a user's Gmail password.

This is among the most dangerous things about the Internet of Things. Even though there aren't any universal security standards for IoT, manufacturers still make devices with bad security.

From the point of view of the companies that make IoT devices, the following are a few security risks −

  • Unsafe transfer and storage of data

  • Passwords that are weak, easy to guess, or hard-coded

  • Not having a safe way to update

  • Old embedded operating systems, as well as software that has not been updated

  • Hardware problems

IoT devices are also vulnerable to being infected with Malware through an infected USB, to botnets, and to be taken over by hackers.

This is made even worse when the people who use these devices don't know enough about how IoT devices can be broken and how to keep their information safe.

The danger of Hackers with Bad Intentions

We have identified a few of the most pressing security problems plaguing IoT devices today and explored some steps we can take as end users to lessen these risks.

But experts are anticipating some more threats of IoT devices, which might prove exceedingly dangerous without the correct cybersecurity protections put in place, as technologies like the smart automobile get ready for the market.

Precautions to Take for the Safety of Your Devices

One important fact to remember is that Internet of Things gadgets is not particularly susceptible to Malware. However, there are some precautions that Internet of Things (IoT) users can take to reduce the likelihood that their devices will become infected.

Ways to be safe while using IoT:

  • Password protects your connected devices, Wi-Fi hotspots, and accounts, so go with strong and unique passwords.

  • Connecting your IoT devices to a computer, tablet, or smartphone requires installing reliable internet security software.

  • Before making a purchase, make sure you've done your homework. Smart devices gather extensive user information.

  • Keep your eyes on yourself when using apps. Keep in mind that the users of the app users may collect and use information about you in ways that you aren't aware of unless you read and agree to their privacy policies.

  • Be aware of the information the gadget or app requires to access on their mobile. Refuse permission if it isn't strictly necessary for the app's operation.

  • Be careful when using these apps' built-in sharing features. The location and information, such as the location of the user, as well as the fact that the user is away from home, can be made public through social sharing features.

  • Put your Wi-Fi security in the hands of a reliable virtual private network (VPN), whether you're at home or in a public place.

  • Whenever you use your smartphone in a public place, keep an eye on it at all times. Wi-Fi and Bluetooth connections shouldn't be used if at all possible in crowded areas.

  • If you want to keep one's email addresses, passwords, as well as financial information safe on your Internet of Things devices, you need to make sure your smartphone is secure.


A nightmare scenario for corporations is any sort of Internet of Things (IoT) incident. Some examples of this might be if their clients' personal information spilled, their shipments were ruined because of improper temperature management, or their computers were infected with Malware.

When it comes to auditing and monitoring devices, CIOs or other IoT decision-makers must be proactive, even if it involves 'walking the floors' to discover what kinds of devices are connected to corporate networks. In order to do this, businesses need access to a group of reliable cybersecurity specialists that can advise them on how to best protect their IoT operations.

Updated on: 09-Jan-2023


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