Initialization of local variable in a conditional block in Java

Java compiler doesn’t allow abandoning an uninitialized local variable. When a local variable is initialized inside a conditional block, there are 3 possibilities that could potentially occur −

  • Code compiles successfully if values are provided in the conditional block and the given condition is true.

  • Code gives a compilation error if variables are provided (instead of values) in the conditional block and the condition is true.

  • Code gives compilation error if the condition that needs to be checked is false.

If the local variable is initialized to a default value outside of the conditional block in the code, it won’t give any error and the code compiles successfully.


 Live Demo

public class Demo{
   public static void main(String args[]){
      int i = 35;
      int j = 0;
      if (i > 32){
         j = i + 11;
      System.out.println("The value is: " + j);


The value is: 46

A class named Demo contains the main function. Here, two variables are defined, and if a variable is greater than a specific number, another value is added to it and the ‘if’ block is closed. Then, the result is printed on the console.

Updated on: 04-Jul-2020


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