Deviant Workplace Behavior

Workplace deviance can take the form of bitterness towards co-workers. Organizations usually strive to create an atmosphere of conformity and teamwork to achieve maximum productivity and create a healthy corporate culture.

In organizations of any size, deviant behavior can occur, which can sabotage the work. There are usually two types of deviant behavior −

Aggressive Behavior

Workplace deviance can sometimes take the form of aggressive behavior. In diverse work environments, deviance may occur when workers display intolerance of co-workers of different nationalities or cultures.

Some common examples include: sexual harassment, bullying and showing open hostility towards co-workers.

Unproductive Behavior

Actions that disrupt or minimize productivity are also a form of workplace deviance. Common examples of this type of deviant behavior include: Workers who waste their time by standing around the water cooler, taking the "scenic route" while making sales calls or extending the time it takes to complete a task that slows down productivity.

Some other examples include showing up late for work, calling in sick when in perfect health, sneaking out early or taking long lunch or coffee breaks.

Some other types of deviant behavior include the following −

Abuse of Property

It includes using company vehicles for personal errands, damaging company equipment or defacing work areas, taking home office supplies or failing to return items borrowed from the company and many more.

Company Politics

This occurs in many workplaces and is considered as a part of workplace deviance. A worker may spread false rumors or gossip about another in an effort to gain promotion or more favorable work assignment.

Supervisors who are partial towards one employee over another or prevent deserving employees from career advancement are also guilty of committing a deviant act.

Employees who are actively engaged in gossip sessions can have a negative impact on employee morale.
