Importance of a Locale class in Java?

A Locale class is used to perform locale operations and supply locale information to the user. A Locale is defined as a set of parameters that represents a geographical location or place where some operation occurs. The important methods of Locale class are getAvailableLocales(), getCountry(), getDefault(), getDisplayLanguage(), getDisplayCountry(), getUnicodeLocaleKeys() etc.

The Locale class uses the following constructors −

  • Locale(String L)− Initializes locale from the language code passed as an argument.

  • Locale(String L, String C) − Initializes locale from the language, country code passed as arguments.

  • Locale(String L, String C, String V) − Initializes locale from the language, country, variant passed as arguments.


import java.text.SimpleDateFormat;
import java.util.Locale;
public class LocaleTest {
   public static void main(String[] args) {
      Locale loc[] = SimpleDateFormat.getAvailableLocales();
      for (int i=1; i <= 15; i++) {
         System.out.printf("%s (%s) \n", loc[i].getDisplayName(), loc[i].toString());


Norwegian Nynorsk (nn) 
Arabic (Jordan) (ar_JO) 
Bulgarian (bg) 
Kabuverdianu (kea) 
Low German (nds) 
Zulu (zu) 
Amharic (Ethiopia) (am_ET) 
French (Algeria) (fr_DZ) 
Tigrinya (Ethiopia) (ti_ET) 
Tibetan (China) (bo_CN) 
Upper Sorbian (hsb) 
Quechua (Ecuador) (qu_EC) 
Tamil (Singapore) (ta_SG) 
Latvian (lv) 
English (Niue) (en_NU)

Updated on: 01-Dec-2023


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