HTML href Attribute

The href attribute of the <area> element sets the the hyperlink target. Following is the syntax −

<area href="URL">

Above, URL is the hyperlink you need to mention for the area, which can be a relative link, absolute link, script, protocol, etc.

Let us now see an example to implement the href attribute of the <area> element −


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<!DOCTYPE html>
<p>Learn these technologies with ease....</p>
<img src = /images/usemap.gif alt = "usemap" border = "0" usemap = "#tutorials"/>
<map name = "tutorials">
   <area shape = "poly" coords = "74,0,113,29,98,72,52,72,38,27"
      href = "/perl/index.htm" alt = "Perl Tutorial" target = "_blank" />
   <area shape = "rect" coords = "22,83,126,125" alt = "HTML Tutorial"
      href = "/html/index.htm" target = "_blank" />
   <area shape = "circle" coords = "73,168,32" alt = "PHP Tutorial"
      href = "/php/index.htm" target = "_blank" />


In the above example, we have set the map on the following image −

<img src = /images/usemap.gif alt = "usemap" border = "0" usemap = "#tutorials"/>

Now, we have set the map and area within it for shape −

<map name = "tutorials">
   <area shape = "poly" coords = "74,0,113,29,98,72,52,72,38,27"
      href = "/perl/index.htm" alt = "Perl Tutorial" target = "_blank" />
   <area shape = "rect" coords = "22,83,126,125" alt = "HTML Tutorial"
      href = "/html/index.htm" target = "_blank" />
   <area shape = "circle" coords = "73,168,32" alt = "PHP Tutorial"
      href = "/php/index.htm" target = "_blank" />

The hyperlink for the area above is set using the href attribute −

href = "/php/index.htm

Updated on: 30-Jul-2019


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