How to Write Better Java Code?

quickly and effectively. But also, if you are a newcomer, this may be a significant amount to take in, but it will undoubtedly help you get code started in the right direction.

Java code is not difficult or lengthy, but writing code in the correct structure yields the best results. Everything has a format or method of operation. let’s you have a machine but don't know how to operate it, then how can you use it? Similarly, even if you know a lot about Java code, if you don't know how to write it better, then you waste your time, and also these codes are not usable in the future.

How can you get the best results from your code, you have to write your code in the best format. So, first, understand why writing better java code is important.

Why is Writing Better Java Code Crucial?

Writing better code is as much an aspect of personal habit as it is of expertise. As coders, we gain experience and insight over time. But, after all, why should we invest time in making better code? we understand that other coders will likely find it simpler to interpret our java code, but is that sufficient of a reward? Let us explore!

Better coding guidelines assist us in acquiring a variety of attractive software-related goals. Let's look at them to get a clear grasp −

Upkeep-Friendly Codebase

Every piece of software we create has a useful life, and throughout that time it will need updates and general upkeep. Software that is simple to modify and sustain over time can be created with the aid of writing better code.

Troubleshooting is Simpler

Numerous both internal and external factors can cause the software to behave improperly. Regarding accessibility and rectification, it might frequently call for a timely response. It is simpler to find issues in software created using writing coding principles.

More Rapid Onboarding

Throughout its existence, the software will be developed, modified, and retained by numerous developers who join at a variety of times. Rapid onboarding is essential to maintain high productivity, and better code aids in this approach.

Five ways to Writing Better Java Code

Let's examine how better coding guidelines can be applied to Java. Many quality standards are provided by Java that can aid in writing better code. So here we discussed the main Five important ways that help your code writing better for Java.


The Project structure Planning process relates to how you structure your project's various utilities such as files, information, settings, analyses, and so on.

Keeping a solid project system is critical for reducing file search time. No guideline in Java requires you to follow a specific structure for your software project, although that doesn't mean you can't control it.

Keep it Refined

Related to the functional issue, it could be preferable to develop a distinct class-to-deal functionality that is kept in one location in large quantities.

better code is crucial for writing, reading, and reliability. The procedures listed above are guidelines only. Consider them a framework or a reference to develop your possess style and method of operation. Keep it organized, clearly divided into sections, and consistent. Anyone using your code will recognize the effort and perhaps benefit from your eg.


Despite being quite obvious, mostly every designer would agree that good code is much simpler to comprehend and understand. In Java, there's no one standard for code indentation. Here, it's important to choose a widely accepted conference or establish a personal one, then apply it uniformly throughout the corporation.


When reading code, code comments can help you understand the more complex elements. Nevertheless, caution should be exercised to avoid stating the obvious in the comments. This can make comments gassy, making it challenging to read the important aspects.

Formatting and Styling

The majority of Java IDEs come with an integrated code format that makes this process quicker. Whenever it concerns the creation of Java code, there are some best practices in both the Google Java Style Guide and the Java Style Guide by Twitter.

To make the code readable, use paragraph breaks and tags wisely. It is not more readable to have fewer lines of code.

Best Practices for Maintaining the Coding Standards

Here are a few best practices which you can follow to improve your coding standards.

  • Make use of proper naming conventions for Class name, variables, method names etc.

  • Make use of access specifiers/access modifiers to keep your code secure and provide better security.

  • Use proper exception handling. Write required things in the try block and do not make the catch block empty.

  • Do not initialize a variable delicately. Understand the process of default initializations.

  • Take care of Null Pointer Exceptions. This very common exception causes abrupt termination.

  • Make use of the correct data type for the correct value. Do not confuse float or double, int or long etc.

  • Make use of String and StringBuilder at the right place.

  • Properly document everything.

  • Do not create objects unnecessarily.

  • Take care of indentation. It gives a better look to your code and makes it readable and understandable.


You can see from the discussion above that writing better code will benefit both you and your developer team. Additionally, you save time.

Updated on: 02-Feb-2023


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