How To See The History of The AWS LightSail Instances?

Virtual private servers (VPS) may be easily deployed and managed using the well-liked cloud service AWS Lightsail. It is simple to use, inexpensive, and perfect for small to medium-sized companies that need a dependable, economical cloud solution. The ability to see the history of your instances is one of AWS Lightsail's key capabilities. This post will describe how to know the history of AWS Lightsail instances.

What is AWS Lightsail?

An intuitive interface for managing VPS instances is offered by AWS Lightsail, a condensed version of Amazon Web Services (AWS). It is a complete cloud service for those who need more technical experience and wish to put their apps on the cloud. Virtual servers, databases, storage, load balancing, and content delivery networks (CDN) are just a few of the functionalities offered by AWS Lightsail.

Why is it Important To View The History Of AWS Lightsail Instances?

Viewing the history of your AWS Lightsail instances is crucial for various reasons. To find any problems or inefficiencies, you need first monitor the performance of your models over time. This might assist you in streamlining and optimizing your apps. Second, looking at the history of your instances might help you spot consumption patterns or trends that could impact your cloud strategy in the future. Last but not least, considering the history of your models is crucial for auditing reasons and may assist you in adhering to legal obligations.

How To See The History of AWS Lightsail Instances?

To view the history of your AWS Lightsail instances, follow the steps below −

Step 1: Log In To Your AWS Lightsail Account

Your first step is logging into your AWS Lightsail account. If you don't already have one, you may make one by registering for a free trial.

Step 2: Navigate To The Instances Tab

Go to the Instances page after signing in to your account. A list of all the instances you have generated will be shown.

Step 3: Select The Instance You Want To View The History Of

Next, click on the instance you wish to view the history. You'll reach the instance information page after clicking this.

Step 4: Click On The Monitoring Tab

Click the Monitoring tab on the instance information page. This will provide a variety of metrics that you may use to track your instance performance.

Step 5: Select The Period You Want To View The History For

Choose the period frame you want to view the history using the drop-down option. You may select the most recent hour, the most recent six hours, the most recent day, the most recent week, or the most recent month.

Step 6: View The History Of Your Instance

The monitoring graph will show your instance's history after choosing the timeframe. Metrics like CPU use, network activity, and disk activity are all available for viewing.

How to Interpret The History of AWS Lightsail Instances?

CPU Utilization

The percentage of the processor's capacity utilized by your application is measured by CPU utilization. If your CPU use is excessive, it can be a sign that your program is stressed and needs more resources to function correctly.

Network Traffic

Data transmission between your instance and the outside world is measured by network traffic. A sudden increase in network traffic might indicate that your application is being used more often than usual or that there is an issue with your network settings.

Disk Activity

The number of reads and writes made to the disk in your instance is counted as disk activity. High disk activity may indicate that your program does a lot of I/O operations, which might slow it down.

Memory Usage

The amount of RAM your instance is using is measured by memory utilization. If your memory utilization is constantly high, additional resources are needed for your program to run effectively.

Additional Tips For Monitoring Your AWS Lightsail Instances

There are a few different tips you may use to efficiently monitor your AWS Lightsail instances in addition to looking at their history −

Use CloudWatch Alarms

You may specify thresholds for specific metrics using AWS CloudWatch Alarms, and you can get alerts when those thresholds are crossed. This may assist you in identifying performance problems so you can address them before they impact your users.

Enable Auto-Scaling

You may activate auto-scaling with AWS Lightsail, which dynamically modifies your instance's capacity depending on your application's use. You can maintain stable performance and save expenditures by doing this.

Review Your Logs

You can access and may review your instance's logs using AWS Lightsail. This helps you in locating faults and troubleshoot issues with your application.

Use Monitoring Tools

You may monitor your AWS Lightsail instances using several third-party monitoring solutions, including Datadog, New Relic, and AppDynamics.


You must see the history of your AWS Lightsail instances to monitor the performance of your applications, spot patterns, and adhere to legal and regulatory obligations. You may quickly check the history of your models and learn insightful things about how you use the cloud by following the instructions in this article. AWS Lightsail is a robust and reasonably priced cloud solution that may assist you in swiftly deploying and managing your applications, regardless of your level of expertise with the cloud. You can ensure that your apps function effectively and satisfy the demands of your users by using the monitoring techniques and resources described in this article.

Updated on: 21-Apr-2023


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