How to prevent XSS with HTML/PHP?

Cross-Site Scripting (XSS) is a major threat to web application security because it allows attackers to inject malicious scripts into reputable websites. This attack depends on innocent consumers, exposing important information or potentially gaining control of their accounts. Understanding and combating XSS threats is critical for maintaining a strong security posture as web applications become more complex and dynamic. In this article, we will dive into XSS attacks and look at possible prevention strategies.

What are XSS Attacks?

Cross-Site Scripting (XSS) attacks are a common security risk in web applications. Attackers take advantage of vulnerabilities in web pages to inject and execute malicious scripts on the browsers of unaware users. Developers can protect their applications and users by understanding various XSS attacks and how they might be exploited.

The Different Types of XSS Attacks

  • Reflected XSS − Reflected XSS happens when user-supplied data is instantly included in the output of a web page without sufficient sanitization or encoding. Attackers create malicious URLs or forms to trick users into unintentionally executing the injected script. The script runs within the victim's browser, allowing the attacker to steal sensitive information or do unauthorized operations.

  • Stored XSS − Stored XSS, also known as persistent XSS, involves the injection of malicious scripts that are permanently stored on the target server. These scripts are then served to users accessing specific web pages or resources. When unsuspecting users view these pages, the injected scripts execute, potentially compromising their accounts or exposing sensitive data.

  • DOM_Based XSS − DOM-based XSS attacks target a web page's Document Object Model (DOM). Rather than modifying server responses, attackers use flaws in client-side JavaScript code to insert and execute malicious scripts. The malicious code interacts with the DOM, changing the page's content or stealing critical data.

How can XSS Vulnerabilities be Exploited?

XSS vulnerabilities can be exploited in several ways, depending on the type of attack and the circumstances in which they occur. Attackers can use methods such as −

  • Injecting script tags or event handlers into user input fields, comments, or chat messages.

  • Making use of JavaScript functions and objects to run arbitrary code.

  • XSS vulnerabilities can be triggered by manipulating URL parameters or form inputs.

Developers can better discover and address vulnerabilities in their online applications by understanding the mechanics of XSS attacks and the different possibilities for exploitation.

XSS Prevention Techniques

Several techniques are used to prevent XSS attacks on our website. Th techniques are as follows −

Input Validation and Sanitization

Input validation is a critical step in filtering and sanitizing user input. Use whitelisting (allowing just particular characters or patterns) or blacklisting (preventing known harmful inputs). Here are a few commonly used functions for input validation and sanitization −

  • filter_var() − Provides a comprehensive set of filters for validating and sanitizing different data types. It allows you to perform tasks such as validating email addresses, sanitizing URLs, validating integers, and more.

  • strip_tags() − Removes HTML and PHP tags from a string, effectively sanitizing the input and preventing potential script execution. It can be useful when you want to allow certain HTML tags but remove any potentially harmful ones.

  • preg_replace() − Allows you to perform regular expression-based search and replace operations. It can be used for advanced input sanitization tasks, such as removing or replacing specific patterns or characters from user input.

  • strlen() − Returns the length of a string. It can validate the length of user input and enforce certain length restrictions.

  • addslashes() − Adds backslashes before characters with special meaning in SQL queries or when dealing with data stored in databases.

Output Encoding

It is important to encode output in order to avoid script execution properly. Use functions like htmlspecialchars() to transform special characters into corresponding HTML entities, ensuring that user-generated material is shown safely. Here are a few examples of how htmlspecialchars() can be used to prevent XSS −

  • ‘&’ (ampersand) becomes &

  • ‘"’ (double quote) becomes "

  • ‘>’ (greater than) becomes >

  • ‘<’ (less than) becomes <

  • “'” (single quote) becomes ' or '

Content Security Policy(CSP)

Implement a Content Security Policy (CSP) to specify trusted content sources. Define directives like “default-src ‘self’” to limit resource loading to the same origin, reducing the danger of executing malicious scripts.


header("Content-Security-Policy: default-src 'self'");

This example uses the Content-Security-Policy header to enforce a default-src directive of ‘self,’ which allows resources to be loaded only from the same origin, preventing unauthorized script execution. There are many other resource directives that we can use.

Here are some commonly used directives in Content Security Policy −

  • script-src − Defines the sources from which JavaScript code can be loaded or executed.

  • style-src − Defines the sources from which stylesheets can be loaded.

  • img-src − Specifies the sources from which images can be loaded.

  • connect-src − Defines the sources to which network requests, such as AJAX calls or WebSockets, can be made.

  • font-src − Determines the sources from which web fonts can be loaded.

  • frame-src − Specifies the sources that can be embedded in frames or iframes.

  • object-src − Specifies the sources from which embedded objects, such as Flash or Java applets, can be loaded.

Use of Prepared Statements and Parameterized Queries

SQL injection, a typical attack type that can lead to XSS vulnerabilities, can be prevented via prepared statements and parameterized queries. These strategies assure data and code separation by attaching user input to placeholders.


$stmt = $pdo->prepare("SELECT * FROM users WHERE username = ?");

In this example, we prevented SQL injection attacks by separating user input from the SQL code.

Third-Party PHP Libraries

These libraries are designed to make security measures easier to deploy and to provide strong defenses against potential vulnerabilities. The following are some popular third-party PHP libraries for XSS prevention −

  • HTMLPurifier − A powerful library that filters and sanitizes HTML input to remove potentially malicious or unsafe code. It ensures that only safe and valid HTML is allowed, preventing XSS attacks through tainted user input.

  • AntiXSS − A library developed by Microsoft that provides methods for encoding user input to mitigate XSS vulnerabilities. It offers functions for encoding user-generated content for various contexts, such as HTML, JavaScript, URLs, and CSS.

  • PHP Security Advisories − A Composer plugin that scans your project's dependencies for known security vulnerabilities. It helps identify libraries with known XSS vulnerabilities and recommends updating to secure versions.

  • HTMLSafe − A library that provides a secure, context-aware HTML output. It prevents XSS attacks by automatically applying appropriate encoding based on the context in which the output will be displayed.

In this article, we looked at various methods for preventing XSS attacks in HTML/PHP. You can efficiently protect your web apps from XSS vulnerabilities by applying such measures and using several well-known functions.

Updated on: 26-Jul-2023


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