How To Pick Up A Good Youtube Channel Name?

Finalizing a YouTube channel name is a big work because it’s how the viewers recognize it. The YouTube algorithm analyses the name for relevant keywords. Brands also look at it before they offer a partnership deal. Every day, a creator wants a channel to shine. It is very important to give a catchy name to the channel because it will be tagged on all videos on the channel’s homepage.

What Is The Channel Name And Why It Is Important?

The Channel Name is the official name for any channel on YouTube. It appears on videos, channel pages, and in YouTube’s search results.

Practices for Picking a Great YouTube Name

When choosing a YouTube name following points should be kept in mind −

  • Follow YouTube’s Community Guidelines −

Before picking a channel name, make sure it follows YouTube guidelines like spam, impersonating other creators, and prohibited words.

  • Choose a Unique YouTube Channel Name

Create an original channel name. It keeps a creator honest, and YouTube won’t have a reason to strike down the channel. Secondly, having a unique channel name helps to build a brand. For example, PewDiePie is a famous gaming channel and has a unique name.

  • Pick a Name That Represents Your Niche

When someone opens the channel, it should convey three things: Your Niche, video content, and what solution the viewer will receive. The perfect YouTube channel name express all three. For example, Nike.

  • Building a Personal Brand?

If you are creating a personal channel, use initials. For example, from a famous tech Youtuber, Marques Brownlee uses its initial and HD (as his all videos are in HD quality).

  • Choose a Name with the Right Keywords

The Channel name should be searchable. Think of all the keywords that can be used to find the content. Make a list, and build the channel name using a couple of those keywords, it helps to attract the target audience.

  • Decide your channel category

Firstly, decide the category of YouTube channel will fit in. Most of the channel names fall under these 4 categories −

All the examples stated above channel name are

  • Name (Ex: Ryan)

  • Categorical (Ex: Yoga)

  • Explanatory (Ex: 5-Minute Crafts)

  • Business/Brand (Ex: Tutorialspoint)

  • Who Is Your Target Audience?

The target audience depends on the subject matter of the channel. One of the easiest ways to reach your target audience is to choose a YouTube channel name that will indicate the purpose of your channel.

Something like “NAS DAILY” appeals to a viewer in two ways.

Names like this let viewers know exactly what the channel is about, and including a name can help to make the channel more personal.

How To Come Up With A Youtube Channel Name?

A quick brainstorming activity to start searching is −

Write down some words associated with the content.

Write a list of words emphasizing the channel’s goal.

Create some channel names using words from both of the lists.

Naming Tips and Strategies

Here are some quick tips and strategies while deciding Channel Name −

  • Avoid Using Numbers

Using a number in the channel can make the name seem auto-generated. It also makes the Channel Name harder to search for.

  • Follow famous Models

Think of some of the brands that are followed on YouTube, and study “What makes them stand out?” “What makes them memorable?” and follow them.

  • Domain Name Availability

Sometimes the channel grows a lot, the creator wants to start building a brand off YouTube. So, check if can you get a .com domain name for that channel name.

  • Social Media Account Availability

Check if the Channel Name is available on Twitter, Facebook, Instagram and other popular social media. It is helpful to have social media account names to match the Channel Name.

  • Keep It Simple

Make your Channel Name easy to pronounce, spell and learn.

  • Use a Tool

If a creator is unable to find the channel name. go for the channel name generators like

  • spinxo

  • kparser

  • Consider how it Translates

YouTube is a global platform, so people from all over view the videos. Some words have different meanings in other languages, for example, ‘gift’ means ‘Poison’ in German. Make sure that channel name is not offensive.

  • Remember Capital Letters

If the channel name is the combination of two words, remember to capitalize the first letter of every word. It massively improves the readability of names for example ManBaker / manbaker.

  • Inform

YouTube channel name should say about the channel. Include a word that will inform people about the content of the channel.

  • Evoke Emotion

The right words will trigger emotions about channel content that have a greater chance of drawing attention for example youth psychology.

  • Think about Word Play

Proper use of words and literary devices like Puns, alliteration, and rhyme will all make the name more memorable and exciting.

  • Leave Room for Growth

Finally, try not to be too specific with the YouTube name. A very specific name will limit the kind of video content to be created. A creator might want to expand and cover different topics at a later date.


Choosing a great name for the YouTube channel it’s easy. Pick a name that is representative of the brand, easy to remember, unique and catchy.

Although changing a channel name is possible, it’s best to stick with a name from the beginning and build a perfect YouTube brand.

Updated on: 29-Aug-2022


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