How to perform LAMBDA Function in Excel 365?


Numerous user-friendly functions are introduced in Excel 365 that boost the expert knowledge and improve their productivity. In this article, we will understand the concept of the LAMBDA function in Excel. Before implementing this function, users may either install Office 365 or use the trial version on the web. With the help of the LAMBDA function, users may develop a custom function and regenerate the function across worksheets.

The following key points need to be considered while creating the Lambda function −

  • Create the lambda function in the cell.

  • Verify and test the lambda function.

  • Use the Named Manager to give the proper name of the lambda function.

  • Invoke the customized function with the defined name.

To implement the LAMBDA function in Excel

Step 1

Consider the sample dataset as shown below image −

Step 2

Enter the formula =LAMBDA(m,n,m^n)(A2,B2) in the C2 cell and press the Enter tab.


  • The m and n denote the two parameters and the third argument specifies the formula that is m^n.

  • A2 and B2 specify the cell references for these parameters.

Step 3

Drag the + sign which is presented at the right lower corner of the C2 cell and drop it to the C8 cell.

Step 4

Therefore, the computed result is displayed for the remaining cells.

Step 5

Go to the “Formulas” tab and click on the “Name Manager” to customize the name for the lambda function as shown below *−

Step 6

Another dialog box named “Name Manager” will appear. Click on the “New…” option −

Step 7

In the below image, you may specify the name like “Named_Function” for the lambda function in the first textbox. and type the formula “=lambda(m,n,m^n)” in the checkbox in the front of the “Refers to:” label. And then click on the “OK” button.

Step 8

Write the formula “=Named_Function(A2,B2)” in the D2 cell as given below −

Step 9

Moreover, users need to fill in the remaining entries, drag the + sign presented at the lower right corner of the D2 cell, and drop it to the D8 cell.

Step 10

Therefore, the resulting values are highlighted in the below image.


You may employ two options to conduct the Lambda function either through the inbuilt Lambda function or through Named Manager in Excel 365. Users need to carefully write the syntax the formula and give the references of the cell inside the Lambda function to get proper results.

Updated on: 22-Dec-2023


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