How to Name or Rename Docker Containers?

Naming or renaming Docker containers is an essential aspect of container management. When working with multiple containers, the default random names assigned by Docker can be challenging to track and manage. However, by assigning meaningful names to your containers, you can easily identify and interact with them, improving your overall Docker workflow.

Naming or renaming Docker containers is an essential aspect of container management. When working with multiple containers, the default random names assigned by Docker can be challenging to track and manage. However, by assigning meaningful names to your containers, you can easily identify and interact with them, improving your overall Docker workflow.

By the end of this article, you'll have a solid understanding of the benefits of naming containers and the techniques to follow for efficient container management in your Docker environment.

Naming Docker Containers

Default Container Names

When you create a Docker container without specifying a name, Docker assigns a random and often obscure name to it. These default names, consisting of a combination of adjectives and famous scientists' surnames, can make it difficult to identify and manage containers effectively. For example, a container might be named "clever_curie" or "admiring_feynman."

Naming Containers during Creation

To overcome the challenge of random names, Docker allows you to specify custom names when creating containers. By using the --name flag followed by the desired name, you can provide a meaningful identifier for your container. This approach makes it easier to recognize and work with the container later on.

Here's an example command to create a container with a custom name −

docker run --name my_container -d nginx

In this case, the container will be created with the name "my_container" instead of a random default name. This simple addition to the command significantly improves the container's manageability.

Renaming Existing Containers

If you already have a running or stopped container with a random or undesired name, you can rename it using the docker rename command. This command allows you to assign a new name to the container while preserving its configuration and data.

To rename a container, use the following syntax 

docker rename <current_name> <new_name>

Replace <current_name> with the existing name of the container and <new_name> with the desired new name.

For example, to rename a container named "admiring_feynman" to "web_app," you would run the following command 

docker rename admiring_feynman web_app

By renaming containers, you gain better control and organization over your Docker environment. In the next section, we will explore some best practices for choosing meaningful container names.

Best Practices for Naming Containers

Use Descriptive and Meaningful Names

When naming your Docker containers, it's crucial to choose names that accurately reflect their purpose or role. Descriptive names make it easier for you and your team to understand the container's function at a glance. Avoid using generic or ambiguous names that might cause confusion later on.

For example, instead of naming a container "app1," consider naming it "frontend_webserver" or "payment_service." These names provide clear insights into the container's purpose and help streamline your workflow.

Consistency in Naming Conventions

Maintaining consistent naming conventions across your containers is beneficial for several reasons. It promotes uniformity and clarity, making it easier to navigate through your Docker environment. Consistent naming conventions also facilitate automation and scripting processes.

Consider adopting a naming pattern that suits your project or organization. For instance, you could use prefixes to denote the application or service name, followed by an underscore and a brief description of the container's role. This approach ensures consistency and aids in quickly identifying related containers.

For example 

  • myapp_frontend_nginx

  • myapp_backend_api

  • myapp_database_postgres

By following consistent naming conventions, you establish a standardized approach to container naming and enhance the overall organization and manageability of your Docker environment.

In the next section, we will explore how to list and filter containers based on their names. This will further assist in managing your Docker containers effectively.

Managing Container Names

Listing Containers with Names

To view a list of containers along with their assigned names, you can use the docker ps command. By default, this command displays information about running containers.

docker ps --format "table {{.ID}}\t{{.Names}}\t{{.Image}}\t{{.Status}}"

The output will include columns for the container ID, name, image, and status. The --format flag allows you to customize the output format for better readability.

Filtering Containers by Name

If you have numerous containers and need to narrow down the list based on specific names, you can use the --filter flag with the docker ps command. This flag allows you to filter containers based on various criteria, including name.

To filter containers by name, use the following syntax −

docker ps --filter "name=<container_name>"

Replace <container_name> with the specific name or a partial name to match multiple containers.

For example, to list all containers that have names starting with "myapp," you would run the following command 

docker ps --filter "name=myapp"

This filtering capability simplifies container management by enabling you to focus on specific containers of interest.

By effectively listing and filtering containers based on their names, you gain better visibility and control over your Docker environment.


Naming or renaming Docker containers is an essential practice for efficient container management. By assigning meaningful names to your containers, you can easily identify and work with them, enhancing productivity and organization within your Docker environment.

In this article, we explored the importance of naming containers and provided step-by-step guidance on how to accomplish this. We learned about the challenges posed by default container names and how to overcome them by naming containers during creation or renaming existing containers. We also discussed best practices for choosing descriptive and consistent container names, enabling better understanding and navigation of your Docker environment.

Furthermore, we covered techniques for listing and filtering containers based on their names, allowing for targeted management of specific containers.

By following these practices and utilizing the tools provided by Docker, you can take control of your container names and streamline your container management processes.

Updated on: 09-Aug-2023

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