How to Increase or Decrease Cell Number/Value by Percentage in Excel?

Microsoft Excel is a robust tool for managing and analyzing data. Offering a wide range of functions and formulas to manipulate and customize spreadsheets. One common task involves increasing or decreasing a cell number or value by a specific percentage. Whether you need to apply a percentage increase for financial calculations, adjust quantities in a dataset or perform any other similar operation Excel provides several efficient methods to achieve this.

In this article we will explore different techniques that will allow you to easily increase or decrease cell numbers or values by a percentage in Excel. By mastering these methods. You will enhance your productivity and accuracy when working with numerical data. As you'll be able to perform percentage calculations and adjustments quickly. So, let's dive into the world of Excel percentage manipulation and discover practical techniques that will empower you to excel at modifying cell numbers or values by a percentage in your spreadsheets.

Approach 1: Using the Multiply Formula to Increase or Decrease by Percentage

To modify the number or value of a cell one can utilize the Multiply function in Excel. This method is not only simple but also efficient. By multiplying the cells' value with a decimal representation of the desired percentage. You can swiftly determine the number that requires alteration.

  • Step 1 − To begin. Kindly enter the initial value into a cell. For instance in this example we will utilize cell A1.

  • Step 2 − To input a desired percentage in another cell using the decimal format. Simply enter the corresponding value. For example. If you intend to increase the value by 10%. Insert 0.1 into the relevant box (B1).

  • Step 3 − In order to ascertain whether the value has witnessed an increase or decrease, kindly introduce the subsequent formula into a distinct cell and carry out the required calculation −

= A1 * (1 + B1)

  • Step 4 − When you press Enter, the value that was modified will appear in the cell where the outcomes are presented.

For instance, if you wish to raise the value in A1 by 10% and its starting point is already set to 100, you can use the formula "=A1 * (1 + B1)" to arrive at the desired result of 110.

Approach 2: Using the Paste Special Functionality to Increase or Decrease by Percentage

Utilizing Excel's Paste Special functionality is a time-saving technique to make adjustments to a group of cells based on a percentage value. When you need to edit numerous cells by the same percentage, this method is especially helpful because it allows you to do so simultaneously.

  • Step 1 − Select the appropriate percentage and enter it as a decimal in the first available cell, which we'll refer to as B1 (lets say you want to increase value by 10%, enter value as 0.1+1 i.e. 1.1).

  • Step 2 − Enter the initial value in a cell, for example cell A1 that needs to be changed or adjusted based on percentage in the spreadsheet (let’s take here as 100).

  • Step 3 − First copy the cell B1, which contains the percentage value in decimal. Then proceed to the next step.

  • Step 4 − The next step involves selecting the cells or range of cells that you wish to modify. Specifically in this scenario, A1.

  • Step 5 − To access the desired feature, kindly click on the selected range and proceed to right-click. From the ensuing context menu, please opt for "Paste Special".

  • Step 6 − To complete the task please navigate to the "Paste Special" dialogue box. From there kindly select the option labeled "Multiply". Finally, Proceed by clicking on the "OK" button.

To effectively adjust values. Excel will multiply the decimal representation of the desired percentage by each cell in the selected range. This process ensures that the values are increased or decreased accordingly.


This article has explored different methods for increasing or decreasing cell numbers or values by a percentage in Excel. By utilizing formulas like Multiply, Paste Special functionality, or formatting options, you can quickly and accurately perform percentage calculations and adjustments. These techniques enable you to handle various scenarios, such as financial calculations, data analysis, and more. Incorporate these methods into your Excel workflows to enhance your productivity and precision when working with percentages. Excel's flexibility and versatility empower you to excel at manipulating cell numbers or values by a percentage in your spreadsheets.

Updated on: 27-Jul-2023


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