How to define a term or name in a definition list using HTML5?

In this article, we will discuss how to define a term or name in a definition list using HTML5. We will explore the various tags and attributes that are used to create a definition list, as well as the best practices for creating effective and accessible definitions. By the end of this article, you will have a solid understanding of how to create a definition list using HTML5 and how to effectively define terms and names within it.


We have two different approaches to defining a term or name in a definition list using HTML5 including the following −

  • Using the “ <dl>, <dt>,<dfn> and <dd> elements”

  • Using the “ nested <ul> and <li> elements”

Let us look at each step in detail.

Approach 1: Using the " <dl>, <dt>,<dfn> and <dd> method"

The first approach is to define a term or name in a definition list using HTML5 as “<dl>, <dt>,<dfn> and <dd> elements”.This is the most common approach to creating a definition list. The <dl> element is used to define the list, the <dt> element is used to define the term being defined, and the <dfn> element is used to indicate the term or phrase being defined in a definition list using the <dt> element. and the <dd> element is used to define the definition of the term.


Following is an example of defining a term or name in a definition list using HTML5 using “<dl>, <dt>,<dfn> and <dd> elements ”.

<!DOCTYPE html>
   <title>Definition List with <dfn> Element</title>
      body {
         font-family: Arial, sans-serif;
         border: 2px solid ;
         border-radius: 7px;
      dt {
         font-weight: bold;
         background-color: #f2f2f2;
         color: blue;
      dd {
         padding: 20px;
         color: green;
      dfn {
         font-weight: bold;
      <dd><dfn>HTML</dfn> stands for Hyper-Text Markup Language, which is used to structure content on the web.</dd>
      <dd><dfn>CSS</dfn> stands for Cascading Style Sheets, which is used to style and layout web pages.</dd>
      <dd><dfn>JavaScript</dfn> is a programming language that allows for dynamic and interactive behavior on web pages.</dd>

Approach: Using the "nested <ul> and <li> method"

The first approach is to define a term or name in a definition list using HTML5 as “nested <ul> and <li> ”. It is another approach to creating a definition list. The outer <ul> element represents the entire list, with each term represented by an <li> element. Inside each <li> element is another <ul> element that contains one or more <li> elements representing the definition(s) of the term.


Following is an example of defining a term or name in a definition list using HTML5 using “nested <ul> and <li> ”.

<!DOCTYPE html>
      dt {
         font-weight: bold;
         color: blue;
      dd {
         margin: 10px 0;
         color: green;
      dd li::before {
         content: "- ";
         font-weight: bold;
         color: orange;
      <dd>Hyper-Text Markup Language, which is used to structure content on the web.
            <li>HTML5 is the latest version of HTML.</li>
      <dd>Cascading Style Sheets, which is used to style and layout web pages.
            <li>CSS3 is the latest version of CSS.</li>


In this article, we examined two different approaches to defining a term or name in a definition list using HTML5. Here, we are using two different approaches “<dl>, <dt>,<dfn> and <dd> elements ” and the “nested <ul> and <li> elements”. It is important to choose the appropriate approach based on the content and context of the webpage.

Updated on: 27-Mar-2023


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