How to crop the height in a cloned image using FabricJS?

In this tutorial, we are going to learn how to crop the height in a cloned image using FabricJS. We can create an Image object by creating an instance of fabric.Image. Since it is one of the basic elements of FabricJS, we can also easily customize it by applying properties like angle, opacity etc. In order to crop the height in a cloned image, we use the height property.


cloneAsImage( callback: function, { height: Number}: Object): fabric.Object


  • callback (optional) − This parameter is a function which is to be invoked with a cloned image instance as the first argument.

  • options (optional) − This parameter is an optional Object which provides additional customizations to our clone image. Using this parameter we can set a multiplier, crop the clone image, remove the current object transform or a lot of other properties can be changed of which height is a property.

Options Keys

  • height − This property accepts a Number value which denotes the cropping height. This property is optional.

Without using the height property


Let’s see a code example of how the cloned Image object appears when the height property is not used. In this case, the cloned image will not be cropped.

<!DOCTYPE html> <html> <head> <!-- Adding the Fabric JS Library--> <script src=""></script> </head> <body> <h2>Without using the height property</h2> <p>You can see that no cropping has been applied to the clone image</p> <canvas id="canvas"></canvas> <img src="" id="img1" style="display: none" /> <script> // Initiate a canvas instance var canvas = new fabric.Canvas("canvas"); canvas.setWidth(document.body.scrollWidth); canvas.setHeight(250); // Initiating the image element var imageElement = document.getElementById("img1"); // Initiate a shadow object var shadow = new fabric.Shadow({ color: "#308080", blur: 3, }); // Initiate an Image object var image = new fabric.Image(imageElement, { top: 50, left: 110, skewX: 20, shadow: shadow, }); // Using cloneAsImage method image.cloneAsImage(function(Img) { Img.set("top", 150); Img.set("left", 150); canvas.add(Img); }); </script> </body> </html>

Using the height property


In this example, we have used the height property and passed it a value 50 which is the cropping height. Therefore, the height will be cropped.

<!DOCTYPE html> <html> <head> <!-- Adding the Fabric JS Library--> <script src=""></script> </head> <body> <h2>Using the height property</h2> <p>You can see that cropping has been applied to the clone image</p> <canvas id="canvas"></canvas> <img src="" id="img1" style="display: none" /> <script> // Initiate a canvas instance var canvas = new fabric.Canvas("canvas"); canvas.setWidth(document.body.scrollWidth); canvas.setHeight(250); // Initiating the image element var imageElement = document.getElementById("img1"); // Initiate a shadow object var shadow = new fabric.Shadow({ color: "#308080", blur: 3, }); // Initiate an Image object var image = new fabric.Image(imageElement, { top: 50, left: 110, skewX: 20, shadow: shadow, }); // Using cloneAsImage method image.cloneAsImage( function(Img) { Img.set("top", 150); Img.set("left", 150); canvas.add(Img); }, { height: 50, } ); </script> </body> </html>


In this tutorial, we used two examples to demonstrate how you can crop the height in a clone image using FabricJS.

Updated on: 26-Oct-2022


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