How to Create a YouTube Channel for Business?

With more than 2 billion users and more than 30 million daily visitors, YouTube is a terrific platform for all businesses, but especially for small enterprises, it acts as an effective video platform for small business branding and promotion.

Additionally, YouTube videos offer a chance to reach global audience and effectively engage with them. Even internally, it serves as a potent means of communication. YouTube for Business makes it easier to showcase products and services to a global audience.

It's not too late to launch a YouTube account for your business if you haven't done so already.

We'll break down how to set up a YouTube channel in this step-by-step tutorial.


Step 1 − Signup for a Google account (Because Google owns YouTube).

Create a separate Google/Gmail account only for your business and make it unique. Don’t use your personal Gmail account for creating business YouTube channel. This can help you in the long run.

In order to create a dedicated business Gmail account, Open incognito browser and go to the Click on the Create Account, a separate window opens up(as shown in the image), select To Manage My Business. And click on Next.

You will be taken to the Create Your Google Account page. Here you need to provide your First and last name, username and password. For demo purpose, I create Google account - bakecake104.

There is no need to register another Google account if you already have one specifically for your business. Go to step #2 now.

Step 2 − Create Your Business YouTube Channel

Login to Gmail with your dedicated business email idspecifically created for the YouTube purpose and go to the YouTube home page. On the right side, you will find that you are automatically logged into your YouTube account (as shown in the image).

Then, as seen below, click on your profile at the top right and choose CREATE A CHANNEL from the drop-down menu and click on CREATE A CHANNEL.

After clicking onCreate a channel, YouTube will ask you about the channel name and photo.Enter the name of your business or brand and upload image or logo of your business. Once that is done, Click on CREATE A CHANNEL

After clicking on the CREATE A CHANNEL button, you will see this page (as shown below) with your channel name. Click on the CUSTOMIZE CHANNEL.


Step 3 − In the CHANNEL CUSTOMIZATION page, you will see these three sections

Layout, Branding, and Basic Info.

In the Layout section find the VIDEO SPOTLIGHT category where you can add the channel trailer of 1 minute or 30 sec video explaining what your channel is all about to the people who haven’t yet subscribed.

In the Branding section, you will find a page where you can upload your picture, banner image and watermark image.

Uploading your Profile Picture for your YouTube channel

Your business's logo usually appears on the Profile Picture section or put your headshot if you are the face of your business. It’s recommended to use an image that’s at least 98 x 98 pixels and 4MB. You can use a PNG or JPEG file. Click on the UPLOAD to upload your picture.

Uploading Banner Image for your YouTube channel

At the top of your channel, the banner image will be displayed. Use an image that is at least 2048 x 1152 pixels and 6MB or less for the best effects on all devices. To add the banner image, click on the blue color button “UPLOAD.”

Entering Basic Info for your YouTube channel

In this section, you can add the channel name and description. In the description, you can tell your viewers what your channel is all about. This description appears in the about section of your channel as well as in the search results.

In the Basic Info section, you will find the ADD LANGUAGE category.

Click on the ADD LANGUAGE

When you click on the ADD LANGUAGE, this page appears. You can select the original language from the drop-down menu and translation language(If required).

When you scroll down, in the Basic Info section, you will find a Links section where you can add links to your website as well as the five banner links which you would like to display on the channel home page.

At the bottom of the Basic Info section, you will find the Contact info category.

Here, you can add your email address so that people can contact you for business enquires. This email address will appear in your channel’s about section and visible to your audience.

You can start uploading YouTube videos for your better business growth once you have successfully finished the first stage of creating a business YouTube channel.

Updated on: 12-Aug-2022


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