How to count the total number of radio buttons in a page in Selenium with python?

We can count the total number of radio buttons in a page in Selenium with the help of find_elements method. While working on any radio buttons, we will always find an attribute type in the html code and its value should be radio.

This characteristic is only applicable to radio buttons on that particular page and to no other types of UI elements like edit box, link and so on.

To retrieve all the elements with attribute type = 'radio', we will use find_elements_by_xpath() method. This method returns a list of web elements with the type of xpath specified in the method argument. In case there are no matching elements, an empty list will be returned.

After the list of radio buttons are fetched, in order to count its total numbers, we need to get the size of that list. The size of the list can be obtained from the len() method of the list data structure.

Finally this length is printed on the console.




Code Implementation for counting radio buttons.

from selenium import webdriver
#browser exposes an executable file
#Through Selenium test we will invoke the executable file which will then #invoke actual browser
driver = webdriver.Chrome(executable_path="C:\chromedriver.exe")
# to maximize the browser window
#get method to launch the URL
#to refresh the browser
# identifying the radio buttons with type attribute in a list
chk =driver.find_elements_by_xpath("//input[@type='radio']")
# len method is used to get the size of that list
#to close the browser

Updated on: 29-Jul-2020


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