How to Access Interface Fields in Golang?

As a popular programming language, Golang is used in many applications and frameworks due to its high performance and easy-to-use syntax. If you are working with interfaces in Golang, you may need to access the fields of the interface to retrieve or manipulate data. In this article, we will discuss how to access interface fields in Golang and provide some examples to help you understand the concept.

Understanding Interfaces in Golang

Before we dive into accessing interface fields, let's first understand what interfaces are in Golang. An interface is a set of method signatures that define a behavior. In other words, it is a blueprint for what a particular type can do, rather than how it does it.

For example, let's say we have a struct called Person −

type Person struct {
   name string
   age int

We can define an interface called Human that has a method signature called SayHello() −

type Human interface {
   SayHello() string

Any struct that implements the SayHello() method signature can be considered a Human. This means that we can use the same code to work with different types that implement the Human interface.

Accessing Interface Fields in Golang

In Golang, interfaces do not have fields. However, if a struct implements an interface, we can access its fields using type assertion. Type assertion is the process of extracting the underlying value of a certain type from an interface value.

Let's say we have another struct called Student −

type Student struct {
   name string
   age int
   grade int

We can implement the SayHello() method in Student and then use type assertion to access its fields −


package main

import "fmt"

type Human interface {
   SayHello() string

type Student struct {
   name  string
   age   int
   grade int

func (s Student) SayHello() string {
   return fmt.Sprintf("Hi, my name is %s and I am in grade %d",, s.grade)

func main() {
   var h Human
   s := Student{"John", 15, 9}
   h = s
   fmt.Println(h.SayHello()) // Output: Hi, my name is John and I am in grade 9


Hi, my name is John and I am in grade 9

In the above example, we first create a Student struct and assign it to the h variable, which is of type Human. We then use type assertion to access the name, age, and grade fields of the Student struct.


Here is another example −

package main

import "fmt"

type Animal interface {
   Name() string
   Type() string

type Dog struct {
   name string
   breed string

func (d Dog) Name() string {

func (d Dog) Type() string {
   return "Dog"

func main() {
   var a Animal
   d := Dog{"Fido", "Labrador"}
   a = d

   // Accessing fields of the Dog struct using type assertion
   fmt.Println(a.(Dog).name) // Output: Fido
   fmt.Println(a.(Dog).breed) // Output: Labrador



In this example, we have an Animal interface that defines two methods, Name() and Type(). We also have a Dog struct that implements the Animal interface and has two fields, name and breed.

We create a new Dog struct and assign it to a variable of type Animal. We then use type assertion to access the name and breed fields of the Dog struct.

Using this approach, we can work with different types that implement the same interface in a consistent way, regardless of their underlying implementation.


In this article, we discussed how to access interface fields in Golang. We learned that interfaces do not have fields, but we can use type assertion to access the fields of a struct that implements an interface. We also provided few examples to illustrate the concept. By using these techniques, you can work with interfaces in Golang more effectively and efficiently.

Updated on: 20-Apr-2023

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