How Improve Digital Marketing Stats?

In the post-pandemic period, digital marketing has established itself as the most effective strategy. Traditional marketing is being put on hold as consumers and businesses turn to the Internet as their preferred shopping venue. As an outcome, brands are depending more than ever on digital strategy. His most recent CMO poll indicates that 56% of businesses are altering their business strategies to capitalize on digital advances.

The global transition to digital interactions is encouraging companies of all sizes to consider marketing online, which will make the field of digital marketing more challenging than ever in 2021. Keeping an eye on the most recent digital marketing data can assist you in comprehending where you are right now and making plans for the future, whether you are a professional digital marketer or a business owner trying to expand your digital presence.

Digital Marketing Statistics

Content of "Quality" Is Still Supreme

70% of internet users prefer content to traditional advertising for information about products. Consumers today are under a lot of stress due to information overload, but there is still a need for marketing content that helps consumers make informed decisions.

A focus for Marketing is Blogging

Despite the 500 million blogs and over 2 million posts that are published online every day, blogs continue to be an important part of most businesses' digital marketing strategies. 53% of his marketers concur that blogging content is an important component of his marketing plan.

Then why? Over 68% of consumers feel that blogs boost the credibility of websites, and 97% more links go to business websites when they have blogs than when they do not.

Online Defeats Offline

According to Accenture's estimate, the US B2B commerce industry alone is projected to reach $1.2 trillion by 2021, despite the fact that global income through offline commerce channels is expected to fall by 20% by that time. This has had far-reaching effects on B2B businesses, advising them to sharpen their tactics for drawing customers into virtual worlds.

Spending on Digital Advertisements is Increasing

In 2021, it is anticipated that global spending on digital advertising will total $389 billion. Global digital ad spending expanded only modestly in 2020, by 2.4%, but is predicted to rebound in 2021, growing by 17%.

ROI is Crucial

89% of marketers in the DemandGen research stated that strengthening their capacity to gauge and assess the results of marketing efforts is their top priority. Advertisers are under pressure to defend their efforts at a time when businesses are making significant sums in their digital marketing.

ROI is Another Significant Obstacle

ROI, according to 40% of marketers, is their largest marketing difficulty. Businesses devote a large portion of their marketing dollars to digital marketing, yet the outcomes are difficult for marketers to accurately gauge.

Marketers are Aware of the Necessity to Utilize their Data More

In contrast to earlier statistics, marketers appear to have understood the need of treating their data seriously. First-party data collection, according to 88% of marketers, will be prioritized in 2021 in order to better understand their clients and suit their needs.

Customer Calls are More Important in Digital Marketing

Since the COVID-19 outbreak, businesses have noticed an increase in customer queries, which is one pattern. It frequently serves as a significant yet underdeveloped resource of first-party data. For instance, 85% of his marketers, according to a Forrester poll, think that phone calls and incoming calls are crucial components of their company's digital-first strategy.

Excellent His ROI is Promised by Video Marketing

A strong return on investment is achieved by about 90% of his video marketers. Video not only has a high engagement rate, but it also helps with conversions. The average conversion rate for websites with videos is 4.8%, whereas the average conversion rate for websites without videos is 2.9%.

SEO Statistics

In 68% of all Online Encounters, a Search Engine is the First Step

This percentage is lower than the 93% that imFORZA previously claimed. According to BrightEdge Research, social media, and display channels pale in comparison to organic and sponsored search in terms of performance. The percentage of organic searches is now 53%, up from 51% in the 2014 survey.

This demonstrates how important it is to spend money on effective SEO strategies that can raise your search engine rating. The greatest strategy to market your goods and services is to have a highly-ranked corporation or business website.

Statistics for Email Marketing

Every day in 2018, there were at minimum 281 billion emails sent and received. Some business owners mistakenly believe that their clients dislike receiving emails from them. Many people are led to believe because of this that email marketing is less efficient than other tactics.

Recent data, however, support the opposite. According to Statista, 281 billion emails were generated per day in 2018 alone, and by 2022, that

figure may reach 347 billion. This demonstrates that one of the most effective methods for reaching your audience is still through email.

Social Media Marketing Statistics

Every day, 3.2 billion people utilize social media. Do not undervalue the ability of social media platforms to market your goods and services.

Emarsys estimates that 3.2 billion people, or 42% of the world's population, use social media daily. Being an expert in social media marketing may expand your clientele and help you grow your company. His sales representatives use social selling to achieve 98% of their quotas. To stay up with ever-changing consumer behavior, selling strategies must adapt. Using social media to interact and communicate with potential consumers is one of the tactics that salespeople may use.

According to a study, almost 98% of salespersons with much more than 5,000 connections on LinkedIn find it simple to fulfill or surpass quotas. Social media usage is 142 minutes each day on average.

Mobile Commerce Statistics

At least 96% of people in the population have a mobile phone. A Pew Research Center research estimates that at least 96% of Americans are mobile phone owners. According to the breakdown, 81% of people have a mobile phone, while 15% have a non-smartphone model. This indicates that the business used its mobile marketing strategies to tap into a larger market.

Nowadays, mobile devices account for more than half of all internet purchases. Now is the ideal moment to properly optimize your website for thumbnail previews and transactions because mobile purchasing is on the rise. Consider the fact that more than 40% of his online purchases over a four-month period were completed on mobile devices to highlight the significance of making marketing channels mobile-friendly.

51% of customers use their mobile phones to research new products and brands. Consumers now engage, look for products, and make purchases differently thanks to mobile devices. According to a recent poll, up to 51% of customers look for new brands and goods on their mobile devices.

88% of users say they won't visit a website again after a negative encounter. Nothing is more annoying than trying to use a website that is not mobile-friendly. It is frequently necessary to swipe side to side read long lines of content that are wider than your viewing angle. Fix your website right now if it isn't mobile-friendly. According to research, 88% of buyers claim they won't visit your website again after a negative encounter. Similarly, to this, 61% of her users claim that they instantly switch to another one of her websites if they don't find what it is they're searching for on her mobile site.

In other respects, you should work to enhance the mobile experience for your clients. Ensure that your website runs quickly, is simple to use, and displays content in a readable manner.


You must keep up with the most recent studies and trends because the digital marketing sector is always evolving.

These statistics provide you with a window into the digital marketing world and reveal some of the strategies your rivals are employing. We also provide you with strategies you may use to maintain your company competitive.

Updated on: 13-Mar-2023


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