How end screen promotes YouTube channel?

Retaining your viewers on your channel and encouraging them to watch more of your content should be one of the primary goals while you are a YouTube creator, and YouTube end screens are one of the simplest ways to accomplish this. The likelihood of your viewers accomplishing what you want them to do is greater when there is an end screen. If a viewer is not retained, they will either go back to YouTube's home screen or browse for something in Suggested Videos after they have finished watching a video on YouTube.

One of YouTube's most valuable features, the end screen function may be utilized effectively to boost a channel's popularity. Regardless of its size, it should be used by all YouTubers. The outro screen, which encourages viewers to explore additional material in the shape of videos, playlists, and channel links, is an important tool to be used.

The viewers can examine additional material from a specific channel before deciding to leave, which is shown on an outro screen. It can retain and acquire viewers as a catalyst. It helps to make more people get to the end by increasing audience retention and average viewing time.

It is required to include end screen 15-20 seconds before the video in play finishes in order to keep viewers on that channel. By prompting viewers to click on new video link as they are displayed, this is a smooth transition that keeps them engaged.

Now let us discuss how end screen promotes the YouTube channel −

If you promote the right video, it engages audience

If you add links of your best videos to your end screen, people will continue to engage with your content and eventually become subscribers to your channel. That is why it is super important to pick the right videos to promote in your end screen. You can see perfect examples below

Marques Brownlee leads his audience from his one video to another video on a similar topic through end screens like the one shown here −

If you promote your related playlist

Just like linking videos, if you link your playlist, it will increase traffic. Playlists work great for viewers who are interested in a specific subject and want to check out more videos on the same topic. When someone watches one video of your playlist, videos from the playlist continue to play automatically. This results in more views. Nas Daily promoting two of his playlists as end screen.

Linking of your website and other YouTube channel

You can also link another YouTube channel. A linked end screen allows you to add a link to your own website. YouTube has a process for setting up an associated site also. Also, after you set up your own website with YouTube, you can send viewers on website also. It can literally link via redirects. You can also lead your viewers to your new YouTube channel thus increasing subscribers on it. The tonight show by Jimmy Fallon, promotes the peacock website on the end screen.

Click on the peacock end card.

Again click on the peacock card, the website will open.

Subscribe element increases subscription on channel.

The goal to have more people sign up for your content is fulfilled by subscribe button on every end screen to remind users to subscribe to your channel. YouTube will add this automatically when you choose the element for your end screen.

We love this end screen of this video that tells his audience exactly what to do.

If you click on subscribe, the subscribe icon will open.

If you again click on it, channel page will open.

It promotes redirecting your viewers to a CTA

If you are adding a link element to your YouTube end screen, it redirects your viewers to your homepage. You can make them to like buy a product, sign up for a service or newsletter, etc. A book is promoted as end screen, that in turn will increase the views of channel, as more and more audience will view video.

For example, in this video where GoPro has added a link for their viewers to go and purchase their latest product, they are offering them a 10% discount on the bundle pack. Click on link.

Open the link.

You will be redirected to website, there you will get 10% offer.

Label your videos increase your channel watch time

When your custom creates your YouTube end screen, adding labels to it, especially if they are a part of a series, and telling your audience that they can watch the previous and next video. These terms help people to understand that the element is clickable, and this encourages them to keep watching your channel. Thus, increasing watch time of your channel.

You can see watch this next on the video end screen.

Tracking end screen analytics boost channel growth

Keep a regular check on the End screen analytics. It tells you how many times an element on end screen was clicked. You can also trach which element has been getting in the best number, so promote that element more. Also, if an element is not working, you can replace or delete it.

Click on profile picture. Open YouTube Studio.

Click and open Analytics.

On content, select the video you want to analyse.

Click on reach. And then see more.

Select the traffic source by clicking on down arrow.

Select end screen as parameter.

Analyze the data of end screen.

End screen is useful in collaborations

A channel end screen also lets you promote another creator’s channel, which is especially useful in collaborations. If the video is in the collaboration with another creator, you can link viewers to their channel as well as your own. It benefits your channel presence on YouTube. As shown in the example below, if you just want to point people to a channel you admire, you can do that, too.


It is not enough to create gold standard material; you must also amplify it in order to succeed. Everything you need to know about using YouTube end screens has been provided to you, so all that is left is start. For every video, your end card might help you acquire more views, likes, and subscribers. Your audiences may also be directed to your website, where they can view more material, buy products, or participate in your crowdfunding effort or campaigns.

It is a huge accomplishment to hold the audience's attention till the end. Yet, in order to attract consumers to subscribers, a well-designed conclusion screen is required. The audience does not have to leave when the end of a video is reached.

Updated on: 20-Oct-2022


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