Google Spanner Vs. Microsoft Cosmos DB

Making a worldwide circulated information base would customarily demand a ton of investment and exertion.

You need to have the data set in an individual server farm bearing the whole expense. The headway in distributed computing has made it more straightforward to make worldwide circulated and versatile data sets.

In the 21st 100 years, Information functions as fuel for organizations to run. A few organizations produce information for an immense scope, yet a purpose somewhat less.

In any case, all information needs space to put away. In the short forward period, it is expected to make the information accessible to the client immediately, and furthermore, give them continuous outcomes is an extreme inquiry.

Thus, the organizations search for an exceptionally responsive stage, that offers high accessibility, guarantees low inactivity, and stores information of any volume.

Google Spanner

Cloud Spanner is a completely managed, crucial, social information base help that offers conditional consistency at a worldwide scale, programmed, coordinated replication for high accessibility, and backing for two SQL lingos: Google Standard SQL and PostgreSQL.

When Google's conventional information base couldn't deal with how much information was produced, the organization made another conveyed data set known as Spanner.

The vital elements of Google Spanner are recorded beneath −

  • Consistency − Google Spanner is worked to give worldwide consistency during the value−based strategy.

  • Automatic Partitioning − Parceling called Sharding is directed in Google Spanner, where it shares the information as per size and burden demand.

  • Automatic Management − Google Spanner helps in directing arrangement tasks rapidly. It likewise has an inherent mechanized framework for keeping up with and performing simultaneous replication.

  • Restore and Back−up Management − Google Spanner has PITR (Point−in−time−recovery) technique to safeguard and recuperate information at the microsecond level.

  • Easy configurations − Google Spanner is extremely reliable in perusing and composing information of any volume from any place on the globe. It helps data sets defeat local disappointment and gives the most extreme accessibility.

  • No downtime − Google Spanner gives adaptability in making changes to the pattern/code with next to no margin time. It helps in changing over the data set without stacking application accessibility.

  • Built−in network − As Google Spanner is fabricated especially on a committed organization, it gives unwavering quality, security, and low inactivity over the whole globe.

  • Security − Google Spanner gives assurance in numerous ways. It has information layer encryption innovation and IAM combination for control and gives access and authorization.

Microsoft Cosmos DB

Cosmos DB is presented by Microsoft and is a PaaS. It is viewed as NoSQL cloud−based data set. Cosmos DB likewise contains an Azure Archive data set and is available for every one of the Azure Locales. The information in Cosmos DB is disseminated and recreated worldwide.

In Cosmos DB, limiting the executives, programmed scaling, and serverless data sets assist with coordinating interest with capacity limit.

Cosmos DB answers versatile, IoT apps, gaming, and the internet that requires an impressive stockpiling platform.

Azure Universe DB is the Azure answer for a quick NoSQL data set, with open APIs for any scale.

The assistance is intended to permit clients to flexibly (and autonomously) scale throughput and capacity across quite a few geological districts.

The crucial highlights of Microsoft Cosmos DB are recorded underneath −

  • Scalability − With the direct versatility highlight, the expected number of servers is added to deal with the expanded burden.

  • Multi−Master − With the assistance of the Multi−Expert model, read and compose tasks can be scaled across any Sky blue district.

  • Indexing − Cosmos DB can deal with the information with no composition of the board strategy. It helps lead programmed ordering without the requirement for a record of the board component.

  • Multiple API support − Cosmos DB upholds different APIs like SQL Programming interface, MongoDB Programming interface, Cassandra Programming interface, Beast Programming interface, and Table Programming interface, which helps in simple usefulness.

  • Great Language Support − SDKs in Microsoft assist with supporting different dialects like JavaScript, Java, Python, Node.js, and so forth.

  • Low−latency − Cosmos DB gives an idleness of 10 milliseconds and subsequently disperses information to any geological area, making it accessible for clients at whatever point they need it.

Difference between Google Spanner and Microsoft Cosmos DB

The following table highlights the major differences between Google Spanner and Microsoft Cosmos DB −

Basis of Difference Google Spanner Microsoft Cosmos DB
Definition It is an absolutely reliable, dispersed, versatile information base worked by Google specialists to help a portion of Google's most basic applications. It is a local non−social help for working with the report information model.
Database It is a kind of Relational database (RDBM). It is a kind of NoSQL cloud−based database.
ACID Properties It upholds ACID properties across different tasks. It upholds ACID properties across a single task.
APIs Different APIs are JDBC, gRPC, and HTTP API. Different APIs are MongoDB, DocumentDB, Table API, Gremlin, and HTTP API.
Scaling It gives the choice of automatic scaling. It doesn't give the choice of automatic scaling.
User Access Identity and Access Management (IAM) assists in giving user access. Access to the 'items' in the compartment is given to the client
Recovery Google Spanner gives disaster management and redundancy but has some restrictions regarding the data centers. It helps in giving redundancy and disaster recovery across distributed access.
Supporting Languages Java, Python, JavaScript, etc. C#, .Net, Java, Python, JavaScript, etc.


Both the data sets are viable and furnish comparative highlights with only a few varieties. It will be an extreme require the organization to pick either Google Spanner or Microsoft ComosDB to move from its conventional information bases to cloud data sets. Choosing between Google Spanner and Microsoft CosmosDB is like choosing between chocolates and treats. Yet, it is recommended that before picking any stage, one ought to know about the highlights and restrictions.

Updated on: 01-Dec-2022


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