Golang program to create a block using curly braces

We can create a block in golang using curly braces and then create a variable inside the block to have the scope only inside the block and not outside it. In this article, we will use three examples to create a block using curly braces. In the first example few statements will be printed inside and outside the block, in the second example comparison value will be printed inside the block and in the third example function will be used to demonstrate the use of block.


  • Import the required packages in the program

  • Create a main function

  • In the main create a block using curly braces and execute some statements inside and outside the block

  • The print statement is executed using Println function from the fmt package

Example 1

In this example, we will create a main function and, in that function, we will create a block using curly braces. Two statements will be executed inside the block and one statement will be executed outside the block. Let’s see how the practical implementation is done.

//Golang program to create a block using curly braces
package main
import "fmt"

//Main function to execute the program
func main() {
   // Creating a block using curly braces
      fmt.Println("This is the first statement inside the block!")
      fmt.Println("This block executes two statements")
   fmt.Println("This is the statement outside of the block!")


This is the first statement inside the block!
This block executes two statements
This is the statement outside of the block!

Example 2

In this illustration, a main function will be created in which a variable a with a value is compared with a constant inside the block created using curly braces. Then, two more statements are executed inside the block to show the program’s execution.

//Golang program to create a block using curly braces
package main
import "fmt"

//Main function to execute the program
func main() {
   a := 10
   if a > 6 {
      fmt.Println("a is greater than 6")
         fmt.Println("This statement is inside the block!")
         fmt.Println("Anything inside curly braces is part of the block.")


a is greater than 6
This statement is inside the block!
Anything inside curly braces is part of the block.

Example 3

In this example, we will create a function in which statements will be executed inside the function. The function will be assigned to a variable which will be called to execute the program. Further, one statement is executed outside the block.

//Golang program to create a block using curly braces
package main
import "fmt"

//Main function to execute the program
func main() {
   // Define a function with a block using curly braces
   myFunction := func() {
      fmt.Println("This is inside the block of a function!")
      fmt.Println("Anything inside curly braces is part of the block.")

   // Call the function

   fmt.Println("This is outside the block!")


This is inside the block of a function!
Anything inside curly braces is part of the block.
This is outside the block!


We executed and compiled the program of creating a block using curly braces in three examples. In the first example, we printed few statements outside the block and few inside it. In the second example, we printed the comparison of the value in a variable with a constant inside the block and in the third example, we used a function to execute the operation.

Updated on: 01-Mar-2023


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