Golang Program to convert Binary to Octal

In this article you will learn the go language code to convert binary number to octal number. Binary numbers are the numbers that have base 2, i.e., each digit can have only 2 possibilities 0 and 1. Octal numbers are the numbers that have base 8, i.e., each digit can have only 8 possibilities from 0 to 7.


STEP 1 − Import the fmt package.

STEP 2 − Start the main function and initialize the required variables of type int naming binary, octal, remainder and j. store initial values to them.

STEP 3 − Store the binary number chosen to a different variable to be used later and start the for loop. We will be using this for loop as a while loop.

STEP 4 − In this loop, we need to first find the remainder of the binary number by dividing it by 10.

STEP 5 − Then find the octal number by multiplying remainder with j and then adding the previous octal value to it. Increase the count of j by a multiple of 2.

STEP 6 − Print the result on the screen using fmt.Println() function.

STEP 7 − Repeat the above steps with different binary numbers and print their octal equivalents on the screen.

Example 1

In this example we will write a go language program to convert binary numbers to octal using mod function

package main
import "fmt"
func main() {
   var binary int
   var octal int = 0
   j := 1
   var remainder int
   binary = 10011011
   binarynumber := binary
   for binary != 0 {
      remainder = binary % 10
      octal = octal + remainder*j
      j = j * 2
      binary = binary / 10
   fmt.Println("The octal representation of binary number ", binarynumber, "is", octal)
   binary = 111111
   binarynumber = binary
   for binary != 0 {
      remainder = binary % 10
      octal = octal + remainder*j
      j = j * 2
      binary = binary / 10
   fmt.Println("The octal representation of binary number ", binarynumber, "is", octal)


The octal representation of binary number  10011011 is 155
The octal representation of binary number  111111 is 16283

Example 2

In this program we will write a go language code to convert a binary number to octal. To achieve this result we will first convert the binary number to decimal then convert the decimal equivalent to octal.

package main
import (

// initializing and defining a binary number to convert it into decimal
func toDecimal(number int) int {
   var remainder int
   value := 0
   decimalNumber := 0
   for number != 0 {
      remainder = number % 10
      number = number / 10
      decimalNumber = decimalNumber + remainder*int(math.Pow(2, float64(value)))
   return decimalNumber
// initializing and defining a function to convert decimal to octal
func toOctal(number int) int {
   octal := 0
   counter := 1
   remainder := 0
   for number != 0 {
      remainder = number % 8
      number = number / 8
      octal += remainder * counter
      counter *= 10
   return octal
func main() {
   number := 1001
   binarynum := number
   result := toDecimal(number)
   oct_num := toOctal(result)
   fmt.Println("The octal representation of binary number =", binarynum, "is: ", oct_num)
   number = 1100111
   binarynum = number
   result = toDecimal(number)
   oct_num = toOctal(result)
   fmt.Println("The octal representation of binary number =", binarynum, "is: ", oct_num)


The octal representation of binary number = 1001 is:  11
The octal representation of binary number = 1100111 is:  147


We have successfully compiled and executed a golang program to convert a binary number to octal along with examples. In the first program, we are using for loops to convert binary number to octal while in the second one we have created two functions one to convert binary to decimal and other to convert the obtained decimal result to octal.

Updated on: 09-Feb-2023


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