Golang program to calculate the sum of left diagonal matrix

In this article, we will learn how to calculate the sum of left diagonal matrix with the help of different examples. A matrix is a 2-d array. The left diagonal matrix is printed using the logic of indexes equal to each other. The output will be printed on the screen using fmt.println() function which is a print statement in Golang.


  • Step 1 − Create a package main and declare fmt(format package) package in the program where main produces executable codes and fmt helps in formatting input and output.

  • Step 2 − Create a function main and in that function create a matrix and fill it with some values inside it.

  • Step 3 − Print the matrix on the console using the print statement in Golang.

  • Step 4 − Create a variable sum and initialize it with a value zero and this variable will be used to store the sum of the matrix.

  • Step 5 − Run a loop till the length of the matrix such that i=0 and i<matrix_val and keep adding the left diagonal elements in the sum on every iteration.

  • Step 6 − On the termination of the loop the sum received will be printed on the screen.

  • Step 7 − The print statement is executed using fmt.Println() function where ln means new line

When Size of the Matrix is Known

In this example we will use a for loop to calculate sum of left diagonal matrix, here the size of matrix is known. A sum variable will be used to store the value and the output will be printed on the console using print statement in Golang.


package main
import "fmt"
func main() {
	matrix_val := [][]int{{10, 20, 30}, {40, 50, 60}, {70, 80, 90}} //create matrix
	fmt.Println("The matrix given here is:", matrix_val)

	// Initialize sum to 0
	sum := 0

	// Iterate through rows
	for i := 0; i < len(matrix_val); i++ {
		sum += matrix_val[i][i]
	fmt.Println("Sum of left diagonal matrix is:", sum) //print sum of left diagonal elements


The matrix given here is: [[10 20 30] [40 50 60] [70 80 90]]
Sum of left diagonal matrix is: 150

When Size of the Matrix is Not Known

In this example we will use a for loop to calculate sum of left diagonal matrix, here the size of matrix is not known. A sum variable will be used to store the value and the output will be printed on the console using print statement in Golang.


package main
import "fmt"
func main() {
	matrix_val := [][]int{{10, 20, 30}, {40, 50, 60}, {70, 80, 90}}
	fmt.Println("The matrix originally created is:", matrix_val)

	sum := 0

	// length of the matrix
	n := len(matrix_val)

	// Iterate through columns
	for i := 0; i < n; i++ {
		sum += matrix_val[i][i]
	fmt.Println("The Sum of left diagonal matrix is:", sum)


The matrix originally created is: [[10 20 30] [40 50 60] [70 80 90]]
The Sum of left diagonal matrix is: 150

Using Nested For Loop

In this example we will use a nested for loop to calculate sum of left diagonal matrix. A sum variable will be used to store the value and the output will be printed on the console using print statement in Golang.


package main
import "fmt"
func main() {
	var matrix_val [3][3]int = [3][3]int{{10, 20, 30}, {40, 50, 60}, {70, 80, 90}}
	var sum int = 0
	fmt.Println("The original matrix is:", matrix_val)
	for i, row := range matrix_val { //run nested for loop
		for j, value := range row {
			if i == j {
				sum += value
	fmt.Println("Sum of left diagonal elements of matrix is:", sum) //print sum


The original matrix is: [[10 20 30] [40 50 60] [70 80 90]]
Sum of left diagonal elements of matrix is: 150


In the above program, we used three examples to calculate the sum of left diagonal elements of a slice. In the first example we used for loop to calculate sum when size of matrix is known whereas in the second example, we used the same logic to calculate sum but that case will be used when the size of matrix is not known. In the third example we used nested for loop. Hence, program executed successfully.

Updated on: 23-Jan-2023


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