Golang Program that switch on floating-point numbers

In Go, the switch statement can also be used with floating-point numbers. This feature can be useful in certain scenarios, where a floating-point value needs to be compared against different thresholds or ranges.

In this article, we will go through an example program that demonstrates the use of switch statement on floating-point numbers.

Syntax of Switch Statement with Float

The syntax of switch statement with floating-point numbers is the same as that with any other type. The only difference is that the cases need to be specified as floating-point values.

switch expression {
   case value1:
      // code block
   case value2:
      // code block
      // code block


Let's create an example program that takes a floating-point value as input and prints a message based on the value.

package main

import (

func main() {
   var number float64=1.0
   switch number {
      case 0.0:
         fmt.Println("The number is zero.")
      case 1.0:
         fmt.Println("The number is one.")
      case 2.0:
         fmt.Println("The number is two.")
      case 3.0:
         fmt.Println("The number is three.")
         fmt.Println("The number is not zero, one, two, or three.")


The number is one.

In this program, we first prompt the user to enter a floating-point number using fmt.Scan() function. Then we use a switch statement to compare the input number with different cases.

If the input number is 0.0, we print the message "The number is zero." If the input number is 1.0, we print the message "The number is one." Similarly, for values 2.0 and 3.0, we print "The number is two" and "The number is three" respectively.

Finally, if the input number does not match any of the cases, we print the message "The number is not zero, one, two, or three."


In this article, we learned how to use switch statement on floating-point numbers in Go. We also went through an example program that demonstrates the use of switch statement with floating-point values.

Updated on: 18-Apr-2023


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