Get Ready for DevOps Revolution

If you've ever worked in the software industry, you've probably heard of the DevOps phenomena. And if you've never worked in the field of technology, you've definitely been wondering what this word means every time you see or hear it.

A group of Agile advocates in Belgium initially proposed the idea of DevOps in 2009. The phrase "DevOps" was first used by Patrick Debois, who is frequently referred to as "the father of DevOps." When intellectuals came together via conferences, lectures, and Twitter arguments, the approach was finally developed as an amalgam of several techniques, including Operations Management, Agile, Lean, Theory of Constraints, and IT service management. This eventually led to the idea underpinning DevOps. The word emerged from the fusion of two significant trends –

  • Lean and Agile methodologies were applied to operations tasks to create agile operations or agile systems administration.

  • Improved knowledge of the advantages of operations and development workers working together. This is necessary while developing and running services at every point of the development lifecycle. This highlights the significance of operations in today's service-oriented society.

What is DevOps?

Software development (Dev) and IT operations are combined in a set of procedures known as "DevOps" (Ops). It seeks to reduce the systems development life cycle and offer continuous delivery with excellent software quality.

Why Do Businesses Need DevOps?

DevOps has quite number of advantages that surpass any possible drawbacks. The two transparency-limited silos are aligned to provide quicker system delivery, lower production change risks through automated and nonfunctional testing, and shorten development rounds. The DevOps methodology enhances awareness of the layers in the production environment stack while automating service management to meet operational objectives. Consequently, this aids in preventing and resolving production problems. Organizations could also come to understand that the disparities are simpler to reconcile.

You require smart business management, a culture shift, and the proper talents to make a DevOps strategy succeed. In other words, businesses implementing DevOps principles are just accomplishing more.

Technical Advantages −

  • Fixing issues is simpler and easier. Software delivery becomes a continuous process.

  • Quicker resolution of issues

Business Advantage

  • Quicker delivery of features

  • Operating conditions improve in stability

  • Time is freed up to create value rather than fix or maintain.

Other advantages that may be measured are −

Reduced Development Time

The DevOps methodology encourages a culture of improved interaction and cooperation between the development and operations teams. As they transition from the engineering code to the executable production code, this results in shorter timescales.

Enhanced Release Velocity

The frequency of release code that is used in production is enhanced due to the shorter development cycle. From the specifications through the release, the average time frame is three to six months. It will, however, just require a daily or hourly release build cycle using DevOps. As a result, the value of IT to the company is increased because of the culture of continuous deployment and development that is fostered. As a result, the faster release velocity gives the company an edge.

Improved Defect Detection

The Agile programming style serves as the foundation for the DevOps approach, which may be thought of as extended Agile programming. By breaking down large codebases into smaller, more manageable components and adhering to numerous Agile concepts like iterative development, collaboration, and modular programming, it becomes simpler to find bugs in the code.

Decreased Deployment Failures and Rollbacks

Failure to deploy successfully typically negates the advantages of faster deployment and development. However, software created using the DevOps methodology also considers operational factors. It can considerably lower the number of problems before or after deployment, leading to fewer rollbacks, when paired with the enhanced defect detection clause.

Reduced Recovery Time Upon Failure

Failure is inevitable even though its possibility is minimal. When it does happen, recovery time is comparatively quicker when using DevOps than it is in a conventional IT system. The integration of teams is the key reason behind this.

Moving from the CMMI and Agile phase to the DevOps era

It has been demonstrated that DevOps boosts employee morale and motivation while also speeding up, optimizing, and improving software delivery.

  • One of the main advantages of implementing DevOps methods and culture is that it eliminates silos (the communication barriers between teams) from an organization, eliminating the need for software delivery to depend on the availability of a single person or team.

  • The development of automation software, which eliminates tedious, monotonous chores, further enhances the quality of the work.

  • Automated services can be established at significantly lower ongoing operating costs than the human equivalent.

  • The convenience and dependability that emerge from using a DevOps approach to the software delivery process gives the confidence to release regularly. This makes it possible for software delivery to be genuinely Agile and for subsequent releases to quickly integrate ongoing input.


The shocking outcomes of DevOps has marked the starting of DevOps eras within tech industry, organizations and other business entities. Puppet, an automation software provider and DevOps Group partner, conducts a poll of more than 4,600 technical experts to gather information for their annual State of DevOps Report.

Using DevOps allows ones to, find the following statistics −

  • High-performing IT organizations deploy 200 times more frequently and with 2,555 times shorter lead times than low-performing ones.

  • They recover 24 times more quickly and experience three times fewer change failures.

  • Using continuous delivery and lean management techniques, value will be delivered more quickly and sustainably.

  • Resolving security concerns takes 50% less time for high-performing IT teams.

  • Additionally, they spend about 22% less time upon the unscheduled work and rework.

  • Whether an app is a greenfield, brownfield, or legacy app, high performance is achieved.

  • IT managers are essential source for fostering the diversity and preventing the burnout.

  • Higher IT performance and less painful deployment are predicted when using a lean approach to product development (for instance, breaking work up into smaller batches and incorporating user input).

Updated on: 14-Dec-2022


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