Func generic type in C#

The Func generic type store anonymous methods and is a parameterized type.

In the below example, we have 4 func type instance −

The first type receives int and returns string

Func<int, string> one = (p) => string.Format("{0}", p);

The second type receives bool & long and returns string

Func<bool, long, string> two = (q, p) =>string.Format("{0} and {1}", q, p);

The third type receives bool & int and returns string

Func<bool, int, string> three = (q, p) => string.Format("{0} and {1}", q, p);

The fourth type receives decimal and returns string

Func<decimal, string> four = (p) =>string.Format("{0}", p);

Let us see how to display them −


 Live Demo

using System;
using System.IO;

namespace Demo {
   class Program {
      static void Main(string[] args) {

         // four func type instance
         // first type receives int and returns string
         Func<int, string> one = (p) =>
         string.Format("{0}", p);

         // second type receives bool & long and returns string
         Func<bool, long, string> two = (q, p) =>
         string.Format("{0} and {1}", q, p);

         // three type receives bool & int and returns string
         Func<bool, int, string> three = (q, p) =>
         string.Format("{0} and {1}", q, p);

         // fourth type receives decimal and returns string
         Func<decimal, string> four = (p) =>
         string.Format("{0}", p);

         Console.WriteLine(two.Invoke(false, 76756566));
         Console.WriteLine(three.Invoke(true, 50));


False and 76756566
True and 50

Updated on: 22-Jun-2020


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