Finding Data Type of User Input using Regular Expression in Java

In Java programming, determining the information sort of client input can be a common task, particularly when creating applications that require information approval or handling. Regular expressions, or regex, can be an effective device to recognize designs in strings, counting information sorts. This article will investigate distinctive approaches to finding the information sort of client input utilizing standard expressions in Java.


The language structure for normal expressions in Java is based on the java.util.regex bundle. It gives classes such as Design and Matcher to work with regex designs and perform coordinating operations.

Explanation of the syntax

To utilize normal expressions in Java, we to begin with have to make a regex pattern utilizing the Design course. The pattern represents the required design we need to coordinate. We will utilize different predefined characters and administrators in regex to characterize the design.

Once the design is characterized, we make a Matcher question by conjuring the matcher() strategy on the design. The matcher permits us to apply the design to a particular input string and perform coordinating operations.

Approach 1


  • Create a regex pattern for each data type, such as integers, floating-point numbers, strings, etc.

  • Use the Pattern class to compile the regex pattern.

  • Create a Matcher object using the compiled pattern and the user input string.

  • Use the matches() method of the Matcher class to check if the input string matches the pattern for a specific data type.

  • Repeat the process for each data type pattern until a match is found.


import java.util.regex.*;

public class DataTypeFinder {
   public static void main(String[] args) {
      String userInput = "42.5"; // Example user input
      // Define regex patterns for data types
      String integerPattern = "\d+";
      String floatPattern = "\d+\.\d+";
      String stringPattern = "[a-zA-Z]+";

      // Compile the patterns
      Pattern integerRegex = Pattern.compile(integerPattern);
      Pattern floatRegex = Pattern.compile(floatPattern);
      Pattern stringRegex = Pattern.compile(stringPattern);

      // Create Matcher objects for each pattern
      Matcher integerMatcher = integerRegex.matcher(userInput);
      Matcher floatMatcher = floatRegex.matcher(userInput);
      Matcher stringMatcher = stringRegex.matcher(userInput);

      // Check for matches
      if (integerMatcher.matches()) {
         System.out.println("Input is an integer.");
      } else if (floatMatcher.matches()) {
         System.out.println("Input is a float.");
      } else if (stringMatcher.matches()) {
         System.out.println("Input is a string.");
      } else {
         System.out.println("Unable to determine the data type.");


Input is a float.


In this approach, we create separate regex patterns for each data type we want to identify: integers, floating-point numbers, and strings. The patterns are compiled using the Pattern class.

We at that point compare Matcher objects for each design, passing the client input string to each matcher. We utilize the matches() strategy to check in case the input string matches the design for a particular information sort.

In case a coordinate is found, we print the comparing information sort. Otherwise, in the event that no coordinate is found, we print a mistake message demonstrating that the information sort couldn't be decided.

Approach 2


  • Create a single regex pattern that combines patterns for all data types using the OR (|) operator.

  • Compile the pattern using the Pattern class.

  • Create a Matcher object using the compiled pattern and the user input string.

  • Use the matches() method of the Matcher class to check if the input string matches any of the data type patterns.


import java.util.regex.*;

public class DataTypeFinder {
   public static void main(String[] args) {
      String userInput = "42.5"; // Example user input
      // Define regex pattern for all data types
      String dataTypePattern = "\d+|\d+\.\d+|[a-zA-Z]+";

      // Compile the pattern
      Pattern regex = Pattern.compile(dataTypePattern);

      // Create a Matcher object
      Matcher matcher = regex.matcher(userInput);

      // Check for matches
      if (matcher.matches()) {
         System.out.println("Input is of a recognized data type.");
      } else {
         System.out.println("Unable to determine the data type.");


Input is of a recognized data type.


In this approach, we create a single regex pattern that combines patterns for all data types using the OR (|) operator. This allows us to match any of the patterns against the user input string.

We compile the design utilizing the Design lesson and make a Matcher protest utilizing the compiled design and the client input string. We at that point utilize the matches() strategy of the Matcher lesson to check in the event that the input string matches any of the information sort designs.

In the event that a coordinate is found, we print a message demonstrating that the input is of a recognized information sort. Something else, on the off chance that no coordinate is found, we print a blunder message showing that the information sort couldn't be decided.

Approach 3


  • Create a regex pattern that checks for specific patterns associated with each data type.

  • Compile the pattern using the Pattern class.

  • Use the find() method of the Matcher class to find the presence of any of the data type patterns in the user input string.


import java.util.regex.*;

public class DataTypeFinder {
   public static void main(String[] args) {
      String userInput = "42.5"; // Example user input
      // Define regex pattern for each data type
      String integerPattern = "\d+";
      String floatPattern = "\d+\.\d+";
      String stringPattern = "[a-zA-Z]+";

      // Compile the patterns
      Pattern integerRegex = Pattern.compile(integerPattern);
      Pattern floatRegex = Pattern.compile(floatPattern);
      Pattern stringRegex = Pattern.compile(stringPattern);

      // Create Matcher objects for each pattern
      Matcher integerMatcher = integerRegex.matcher(userInput);
      Matcher floatMatcher = floatRegex.matcher(userInput);
      Matcher stringMatcher = stringRegex.matcher(userInput);

      // Check for matches
      if (integerMatcher.find()) {
         System.out.println("Input contains an integer.");
      if (floatMatcher.find()) {
         System.out.println("Input contains a float.");
      if (stringMatcher.find()) {
         System.out.println("Input contains a string.");
      if (!integerMatcher.find() && !floatMatcher.find() && !stringMatcher.find()) {
         System.out.println("Unable to determine the data type.");


Input contains an integer.
Input contains a float.


In this approach, we create separate regex patterns for each data type and compile them using the Pattern class.

We at that point compare Matcher objects for each design, passing the client input string to each matcher. Rather than utilizing the matches() strategy, we utilize the find() strategy of the Matcher lesson to discover the nearness of any of the data sort designs within the input string.

In the event that a coordinate is found, we print a message demonstrating that the input contains the comparing information sort. In the event that no coordinate is found for any information sort design, we print a mistake message demonstrating that the information sort couldn't be decided.

Approach 4


  • Create a regex pattern that checks for specific patterns associated with each data type.

  • Compile the pattern using the Pattern class.

  • Use the find() method of the Matcher class to find the presence of each data type pattern in the user input string.

  • Store the found data type in a variable for further processing.


import java.util.regex.*;

public class DataTypeFinder {
   public static void main(String[] args) {
      String userInput = "42.5"; // Example user input
      // Define regex pattern for each data type
      String integerPattern = "\d+";
      String floatPattern = "\d+\.\d+";
      String stringPattern = "[a-zA-Z]+";

      // Compile the patterns
      Pattern integerRegex = Pattern.compile(integerPattern);
      Pattern floatRegex = Pattern.compile(floatPattern);
      Pattern stringRegex = Pattern.compile(stringPattern);

      // Create Matcher objects for each pattern
      Matcher integerMatcher = integerRegex.matcher(userInput);
      Matcher floatMatcher = floatRegex.matcher(userInput);
      Matcher stringMatcher = stringRegex.matcher(userInput);

      // Check for matches and store the found data type
      String dataType = "";
      if (integerMatcher.find()) {
         dataType = "integer";
      if (floatMatcher.find()) {
         dataType = "float";
      if (stringMatcher.find()) {
         dataType = "string";

      // Process the found data type
      if (!dataType.isEmpty()) {
         System.out.println("Input is of data type: " + dataType);
      } else {
         System.out.println("Unable to determine the data type.");


Input is of data type: float


In this approach, we create separate regex patterns for each data type and compile them using the Pattern class.

We at that point compare Matcher objects for each design, passing the client input string to each matcher. Once more, we utilize the find() strategy of the Matcher course to discover the nearness of each information sort design within the input string.

On the off chance that a coordinate is found, we store the comparing information sort in a variable called dataType. After preparing all the designs, we check in case the dataType variable is purge or not. On the off chance that it's not purge, we print a message demonstrating the information sort found. On the off chance that the dataType variable is purge, we print an mistake message demonstrating that the information sort couldn't be decided.


Deciding the information sort of client input is an important perspective of numerous Java applications. Regular expressions provide a powerful approach to identify patterns in strings and effectively determine the data type. In this article, we explored different approaches to finding the data type of user input using regular expressions in Java.

Updated on: 31-Jul-2023


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