Find unique and biggest string values from an array in JavaScript

Let’s say, we have an array of objects like this −


const arr = [
   {text: 'secur'},
   {text: 'form'},
   {text: 'user'},
   {text: 'users'},
   {text: 'form'},
   {text: 'secur'},
   {text: 'sec'},
   {text: 'users'},
   {text: 'secu'},
   {text: 'secur'},
   {text: 'for'},
   {text: 'form'}

Our job is to write a function that takes in this array and a number n and the function should return an array of n objects which have the longest string value for the text key and all the objects should have a unique value for the text key. If there doesn’t exist n unique objects, then we should return all unique objects.

Therefore, let’s write the code for this function −


const arr = [
   {text: 'use'},
   {text: 'secur'},
   {text: 'form'},
   {text: 'user'},
   {text: 'users'},
   {text: 'form'},
   {text: 'secur'},
   {text: 'sec'},
   {text: 'users'},
   {text: 'secu'},
   {text: 'secur'},
   {text: 'for'},
   {text: 'form'}
const sorter = (a, b) => {
   return b.text.length - a.text.length;
const longestUnique = (arr, num) => {
   const copy = arr.slice();
   const map = new Map();
   const uniqueCopy = copy.filter(el => {
      const exists = map.get(el.text);
         return false;
      map.set(el.text, 1);
      return true;
   return uniqueCopy.splice(0, num);
console.log(longestUnique(arr, 4));
console.log(longestUnique(arr, 12));


The output in the console will be −

   { text: 'secur' },
   { text: 'users' },
   { text: 'form' },
   { text: 'user' }
   { text: 'secur' },
   { text: 'users' },
   { text: 'form' },
   { text: 'user' },
   { text: 'secu' },
   { text: 'use' },
   { text: 'sec' },
   { text: 'for' }

Updated on: 28-Aug-2020


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