fillpoly() function in C


Now the header file graphics.h contains fillpoly() function which is implemented to draw and fill a polygon such as triangle, rectangle, pentagon, hexagon etc. So this function require same arguments as drawpoly().


void fillpoly( int number, int *polypoints );

In this case,number indicates (n + 1) number of points where, n is the number of vertices in a polygon and polypoints points to a sequence of (n*2) integers.


arr[] = {320, 150, 400, 250, 250, 350, 320, 150};



So the declaration of fillpoly() contains two arguments: number specifies (n + 1) number of points where n is indicated as the number of vertices in a polygon.The second argument, such as, polypoints points to a sequence of (n * 2) integers. As a result of this,each pair of integers provides x and y coordinates of a point on the polygon. So we indicate (n + 1) points because first point coordinates should be equal to (n + 1)th for drawing a complete figure.


// C Implementation for fillpoly()
#include <graphics.h>
// driver code
   // Here gm1 is Graphics mode which is a computer display mode that
   // produces image using pixels. DETECT is a macro defined in
   // "graphics.h" header file
   intgd1 = DETECT, gm1;
   // Different coordinates for polygon
   intarr1[] = {320, 150, 400, 250, 250, 350, 320, 150};
   // Here initgraph initializes the
   // graphics system by loading a
   // graphics driver from disk
   initgraph(&gd1, &gm1, "");
   // fillpoly function
   fillpoly(4, arr1);
   // Here closegraph function closes the
   // graphics mode and deallocates
   // all memory allocated by
   // graphics system .


Updated on: 23-Jul-2020


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