Difference between two given time periods in C++

Problem Statement

Given two time periods in the string 'HH:MM: SS' format. Here 'HH' represents hours, 'MM' represents minutes and 'SS' represents seconds. Find the difference in the same string format between these two time periods.

Time period 1 = 8:6:2
Time period 2 = 3:9:3
Time Difference is 4:56:59


Following is the program in C++ to find the required output.

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#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
int main() {
   int hour1, minute1, second1;
   int hour2, minute2, second2;
   int diff_hour, diff_minute, diff_second;
   cout << "Enter time period 1" << endl;
   cout << "Enter hours, minutes and seconds respectively: "<< endl;
   cin >> hour1 >> minute1 >> second1;
   cout << "Enter time period 2" << endl;
   cout << "Enter hours, minutes and seconds respectively: "<< endl;
   cin >> hour2 >> minute2 >> second2;
   if(second2 > second1) {
      second1 += 60;
   diff_second = second1 - second2;
   if(minute2 > minute1) {
      minute1 += 60;
   diff_minute = minute1 - minute2;
   diff_hour = hour1 - hour2;
   cout <<"Time Difference is "<< diff_hour <<":"<< diff_minute <<":"<<diff_second;
   return 0;


Enter time period 1
Enter hours, minutes and seconds respectively: 7 6 2
Enter time period 2
Enter hours, minutes and seconds respectively: 5 4 3
Time Difference is 2:1:59

Updated on: 15-Apr-2020


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