Difference between PPTP and OpenVPN

VPN is used to improve online security, which sometimes feels like a lengthy process. Technical uses abbreviations which are difficult to acknowledge sometimes. If you are looking to start VPN security, you will come across words with abbreviations like PPTP, L2TP, and OpenVPN.

There are mainly three types of VPN protocol in demand - PPTP, L2TP, and OpenVPN.

Working of VPN – Basics

Virtual Private Network(VPN) creates a link from your device to the server. The VPN channel protocol commits communication of your device with the concealed server. VPN consists of two-channel data and a control channel. These channels participate together and make sure that your data is transmitted to the other channel securely.

To steer clear of contradiction between the VPN protocols and the server, make sure that your data will reach there properly; however, if you are looking to improve the VPN security. Then all VPN protocols are used to set up the secure and authentic link between the two-channels.

Point to Point Tunneling Protocol (PPTP)

PPTP is used to set up VPN networks. To initiate a VPN network, PPTP needs a username, password, and server address. Also, it keeps up with 128-bit sessions. It was discovered by Microsoft.

It allows the companies a process in spreading their private networks to the public networks. However, the PPTP protocol cannot be directly built-into MacOS or iOS devices, as there are changes made by Apple.

What is OpenVPN?

OpenVPN is a fast and secure protocol that James Younan introduced. It is a more popular and powerful open-source software application that is used to organize VPN networks. Whose encryption is much more reliable and advanced as compared to the PPTP or L2TP/IPSec.

To increase the stability of the connection, OpenVPN decreases the speed and uses ports like TCP or UDP. OpenVPN is compatible with MS Windows, Mac, and Linux.

Difference between PPTP and OpenVPN

The following table highlights the major differences between PPTP and OpenVPN.

This protocol will help in executing Virtual Private Networks.OpenVPN protocol is the most advanced and open-source software application that is used to establish VPN connections.
Microsoft establishes it.OpenVPN is made by a man named James Yonan.
It is fast.Fast in speed on the connections which have high bit rate.
Port number 1723 is and GRE protocol is used.Port number 1194. It is used and can be changed.
PPTP is less dependable on the unstable network than that of OpenVPN.OpenVPN is more dependable on the unstable network connections.
VPN encryption is 128 bit.VPN encryption is 160-bit and 256-bit.
PPTP is not used across the globe.OpenVPN is widely used.
PPTP cannot be regained easily.OpenVPN can be recovered easily.
Works on hotspot and wi-fi both. Stable.Works on non-reliable networks, wifi and hotspot. Most authentic and stable.
Primary encryption is used for security.The highest encryption is used for security. Provide actual data with the digital certificates.

When establishing VPN connections, it is important to know your prime concern and understand what your router is up to.


The PPTP protocol is easily usable and fast. If OpenVPN does not support your device, then you can go for PPTP. For desktops running on Windows, Mac OS X, and Linux, OpenVPN protocol is the best and most reliable VPN network.

Updated on: 19-Aug-2021


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