Difference between NTFS Permissions and Share Permissions

Share permissions and NTFS (New Technology File System) permissions are two independent layers of security settings in the Windows operating system that limit access to files and folders on a network or local disc.

NTFS permissions are set for files and folders on an NTFS-formatted drive (often a local disc). When shared folders are accessed over the network, share permissions are applied.

Read this article to find out more about NTFS Permissions and Share Permissions and how they are different from each other.

What is NTFS Permission?

NTFS (New Technology File System) permissions are a set of security settings in Windows operating systems that allow fine-grained control over access rights to files and folders on an NTFS-formatted drive. These rights allow you to specify who has the ability to read, write, edit, delete, and take ownership of files and folders.

NTFS permissions are essential for data security and privacy because they allow administrators to limit access to sensitive data and prohibit unauthorized users from making changes.

Access Control Lists (ACLs) and Security Identifiers (SIDs) are the two fundamental components of NTFS permissions.

  • Access Control Lists (ACLs) − An ACL is a collection of access control entries (ACEs) associated with a file or folder. Each ACE in the ACL specifies a specific user or group as well as the permissions that have been granted to them. The ACL can contain numerous ACEs, allowing for fine-grained control over access permissions for various individuals and groups.

  • Security Identifiers (SIDs) − A Security Identifier (SID) is a unique identifier in Windows that is assigned to each user, group, or security principle. Permissions are assigned to certain individuals and groups using SIDs. When a user tries to access a file or folder, Windows compares their SID to the ACL to determine their permissions.

Key Features of NTFS Permissions

  • Full Control − Full-control users have complete authority over a file or folder. They have the ability to read, write, edit, delete, and alter the permissions of the file or folder. This permission should be provided with caution because it allows uncontrolled access.

  • Modify − Users with edit permission can read, write, and edit files and folders, but they cannot change their permissions. This privilege is appropriate for users who need to edit files but do not have permissions control.

  • Read & Execute − Users who have read-and-execute permission can read the contents of a file or folder and execute executable files. This privilege is frequently granted to users who require access to files but do not have the ability to edit them.

  • Delete Subfolders and Files − This permission only applies to folders. This ability allows users to delete files and subfolders within a folder but not the folder itself.

  • Write − Write permission allows users to create new files and folders as well as change existing ones. They cannot, however, delete the folder or change its permissions.

What are Share Permissions?

In Windows operating systems, share permissions are a collection of security settings that limit access to shared folders on a network. Share permissions, as opposed to NTFS permissions, which are applied to individual files and folders on an NTFS-formatted drive, are applied specially to shared resources when they are accessible over the network. Share permissions are important for determining who can access a shared folder and how much access they have to its contents.

Share permissions are commonly used when sharing files and folders over a network or making resources available to a group of individuals. They function in combination with NTFS permissions to determine the effective permissions a user has when accessing shared resources.

There are three primary levels of share permissions −

  • Read − Users with Read permission can view the contents of the shared resource's files and folders. They can read the contents of files but not modify or delete them. Users with read permission can access and copy files but not make changes to them.

  • Change − Users with Change permission have all of the powers and rights of users with Read permission. Within the shared folder, they have the ability to create new files, change existing files, and delete files. They cannot, however, change the permissions of the shared resource or acquire ownership of files.

  • Full Control − Users with Full Control have complete access to the shared folder and its contents. They have the ability to read, write, edit, remove, and take ownership of files in the folder. Full Control is the most permissive share permission and should be used with caution because it grants unrestricted access to the shared resource.

Difference between NTFS Permissions and Share Permissions

The following table highlights the major differences between NTFS Permissions and Share Permissions −


NTFS Permissions

Share Permissions

Level of Control

Can be set at the file or folder level, providing more specific permissions.

Apply to the entire shared resource, affecting all files and folders within it.

Effective Permissions

Combine with Share permissions when accessing files over the network. The most restrictive permission between NTFS and Share permissions is applied.

Combine with NTFS permissions when accessing files over the network. The most restrictive permission between NTFS and Share permissions is applied.


Applied to files and folders on NTFS-formatted drives.

Applied to shared folders accessed over the network.

Access Rights

Allow a range of permissions, including Full Control, Modify, Read & Execute, Read, Write, Delete, and more.

Offer three basic permissions: Read, Change, and Full Control.

User Scope

Apply to all users and groups on the local machine where the file or folder resides.

Apply to users and groups accessing the shared folder over the network.


Applicable both locally and over the network when accessing files on NTFS-formatted drives.

Only applicable when accessing shared folders over the network.

On the local machine, NTFS permissions take precedence.


In conclusion, when accessing files or folders over a network, both NTFS and Share permissions are used. Effective permissions are defined by a combination of these two levels, with the most restrictive settings taking precedence.

It is essential to carefully manage both types of permissions to provide an adequate level of security and access control for your shared resources.

Updated on: 17-Aug-2023


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