Difference between Nonprofit and Charity

All communities have, over a period of time, greatly benefited from both monetary donations and humanitarian aid offered by philanthropists across the world. A wide variety of groups including charities, nonprofits, and foundations-- are dedicated to carrying these tasks of providing effective and timely assistance.

As both charities and non-profit organizations have a similar scope of functioning and overlapping areas of concerns, and closely resembling methods of operations, many are led to the conclusion that both charities and non-profit are the same. However, the truth is that while they may have certain common activities, there also exist many important contrasts between the two.

What are Nonprofit Organizations?

This is the type of organization that reinvests its profits and other gains in order to fulfill its core objective. This means that neither the workers nor the owners are supposed to personally benefit from the success of the organization, except, possibly drawing fixed salaries from it depending on a country’s laws. However, it’s clear that a nonprofit's members or owners are not entitled to any of the organization's accumulated revenues in the event of its involuntary dissolution.

Instead, these resources are transferred to a new nonprofit that will carry on the work of the defunct one. This new charity may be run by volunteers or paid employees. Nonprofits can be formed for a wide variety of purposes, including charity, education, science, social justice, and even sports. They also take participation in works of public responsibilities (tree plantation, green initiatives, etc.) and creating civic awareness (safe driving, road safety, etc.) among citizens.

Nonprofits are not qualified for tax credits since they are not required to follow strict spending guidelines and because they cannot provide official receipts for donations. Nonprofits can take many forms, such as football teams, festivals, and special needs schools.

What are Charities?

This type of nonprofit is dedicated to improving the community via service programs. Strict standards must be met in order for an organization to be registered as a charity. Providing donors with official receipts for their tax-deductible contributions allows charities to accrue tax benefits. However, certain expenditure thresholds must be reached.

The following are only a few of the many supplementary conditions −

  • Be legally bound to act solely in the public interest.

  • You are not authorized to join or work for a political group or government agency.

  • Required to refrain from breaking taboos.

  • In order to start the group, one must have selfless intentions.

  • It must be a nonprofit dedicated to doing good in the world.

  • In order to register, it's necessary to fill out all of the fields.

Public and private philanthropy are two separate but equal categories of giving. Private charities often have only one donor, who may be a business or an individual family, while public charities rely on contributions from a wide range of people. Some of the main areas of interest for nonprofits include human rights, health, social welfare, environmental preservation, and educational support.

Similarities − Nonprofit and Charity

  • Both are very helpful in building stronger communities.

  • They are not allowed to use any profits to reward their employees or members.

Differences − Nonprofit and Charity

The following table highlights how nonprofit organizations are different from charities −

Characteristics Nonprofit Charity


If an organization's only purpose is to further its charity goal rather than to generate profit for its owners, we call that organization philanthropic.

Charities are a specific type of non-profit organization whose mission is to improve the quality of life for local residents.


Charities are a specific type of non-profit organization whose mission is to improve the quality of life for local residents.

Non-profit status is shared by all organizations engaged in charity work.

Donation receipts

A nonprofit does not qualify for tax deductions since it cannot provide donors with official gift receipts.

Providing donors with official receipts for their tax-deductible contributions allows charities to accrue tax benefits


Nonprofits' scope encompasses several fields, including charitable giving, entertainment, amusement, social services, and community advancement.

There is no other reason for the existence of charities but to fulfill their charitable goals.

Spending requirements

Nonprofits are exempt from these kinds of spending minimums.

There are limits on how much money a charity can spend.


Charities are groups that put all of their money and resources into helping others instead of keeping any of it for themselves. There is no monetary outlay necessitated, and its applications span the altruistic, the enjoyable, the recreational, the welfare, and the improvement of civic life.

A charity is a special type of non-profit whose mission is to improve the quality of life for the people in the communities it serves. It has expenditure restrictions and may only be used for charitable purposes. Nonprofits and charities are two types of nongovernmental organizations that serve similar but separate purposes for the betterment of society.

Updated on: 15-Dec-2022


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