Difference between Memory Address Mode and Register Address Mode

We can define an address mode as the way in which the memory address of an operand is specified in a computer instruction. Address modes specify how the location of an operand in memory is represented in an instruction.

Operations are performed with the help of some data and the data is stored in a computer memory or registers. On the basis of that, there are two types of addressing modes namely, memory address mode and register address mode. The most basic difference between the two is that in the memory address mode, the address of the operand is present in the instruction itself; whereas in the register address mode, the address of the operand occurs in the register.

Read this article to learn more about memory address mode and register address mode and how they are different from each other.

What is a Memory Address Mode?

Memory addressing mode is the approach through which an instruction operand is determined. The information saved in the operation code is the operand value or the result. The role of the microprocessor is to implement a sequence of memory-saved instructions to implement a specific task. In memory addressing mode, we can access the static variables only.

Memory addressing modes can be subdivided into two types namely – direct memory addressing mode and indirect memory addressing mode. In the direct memory addressing mode, only a single memory is reference is required; whereas in the indirect memory addressing mode, two references are required. The first reference is required to get the effective address, while the second reference is required to read/write the data.

What is a Register Address Mode?

In the Register Address Mode, the information to be processed is accessible within the registers. Hence, the operation is implemented inside multiple registers of the microprocessor.

In the register addressing mode, an operand will be denoted and the register number will be provided in the instruction. The operand is then accessed with the help of register number given in the instruction. The register addressing mode can configure registers to a constant value, and this approach is quite a handful of techniques such as the immediate mode.

Now, let us see the comparison between Memory Address Mode and Register Address Mode.

Difference between Memory Address Mode and Register Address Mode

The following are the important differences between the memory address mode and the register address mode −


Memory Address Mode

Register Address Mode


In memory, the operand is accessible and its address is present in the instruction itself. This addressing method facilitates the memory address accurately including the Direct addressing method.

In the registers, an operand will be denoted and the register number will be provided in the instruction. The operand is retrieved with the register number demonstrate in the instruction including the Register method.


The memory address specified in the direction can display the location where the memory saves the successful strong.

The address of the operand occurs in the register. It can change the effective address from the content of the register specified in the instruction. The effective address cannot be an element of the register. This approach takes complete benefit of registers, including the indirect mode register.


The element of the list register is inserted to the location part that is provided in the direction. Record Mode can receive to a group whose parts are inserted away at increasing locations in memory, including Ordered Address Mode.

It can have a data table and our application requirements to approach all the values consecutively. It can find anything that improves the counter/register of the software that has a base address, including Auto Increment Mode.


The element of the program counter is used to the location bit of the guidance. In this approach, the location element of the direction is commonly a marked number that can be positive or negative such as relative tending to mode.

Register-based addressing mode is usually can configure registers to a constant value, and this approach is quite a handful of techniques such as the Immediate method.


The most significant difference between the two types of addressing modes is that the memory addressing mode relies on the memory address, whereas the register addressing mode relies on the register number.

Updated on: 21-Feb-2023

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