Difference between Hardware and Framework

There are two important words, i.e. hardware and framework related to computing technology. Hardware and framework are absolutely different from each other. Hardware is used to represent any physical parts of a computer system, whereas framework is used to represent a set of tools and codes developed to create software applications.

In this article, we will discuss the important differences between hardware and framework. But before that let us first have a look into their basics.

What is Hardware?

The physical components of a computer system are called hardware. Therefore, CPU, CPU cabinet, motherboard, keyboard, power supply, mouse, monitor, etc. are examples of hardware.

Hardware can be of two types, namely internal hardware and external hardware. Internal hardware are the hardware components of a device which are placed inside the case or body of the device. For example, motherboard, CPU, RAM, ROM, etc. are examples of internal hardware. On the other hand, external hardware are the hardware components of the computer which are placed outside the computer case and are usually connected through cables, like monitor, keyboard, mouse, etc. Basically, hardware forms the basic Skeleton of a computer or any other electronic device.

What is Framework?

A set of pre-written codes and tools that are developed to build software applications is called a framework. In simple words, a software development tool that provides a structured environment for application development is called a framework.

A framework typically consists of a set of code libraries, tools and APIs that are required for building an application. Framework helps developers to work more efficiently. The primary purpose of a framework is to simplify the process of software development by providing supporting tools.

We can use different types of programming languages to develop frameworks for different purposes. For example, web application development frameworks can be designed by using Python, PHP, Ruby, etc.

Therefore, framework is a powerful environment that helps to reduce the requirements of repetitive coding, development time, and enhances the efficiency.

After discussing the basics of hardware and framework, let us now discuss their important differences.

Differences between Hardware and Framework

The following table highlights all the significant differences between hardware and framework-





Any physical part of a computer system that can be touched or modified is called a hardware.

A set of pre-written codes and tools that are used for developing software applications is called a framework.


Hardware are the physical components, i.e. they are tangible.

Framework are software components, i.e. they are intangible.

Main purpose

Hardware is used for building fundamental skeleton of a computing device.

Framework are used for providing development tools for building applications.


Hardware always has a certain cost.

Framework can be open-source and free to use.


Hardware is of two types namely, internal hardware and external hardware.

Depending on the application, there are several different types of frameworks like web app development framework, game development framework, application software development framework, etc.


The life of a hardware component is finite.

The lifespan of a framework can be increased by updating it.


The compatibility of the hardware depends on rest of the system components.

Framework can be compatible with different application development projects.


Hardware components join together to perform various functions.

Framework are developed to simplify the software development process.


In the case of hardware, a physical maintenance like cleaning the component is required.

In the case of framework, a software maintenance like updating or debugging is required.


Hardware requires the knowledge of hardware technologies.

Framework requires the knowledge of software technologies.

Development process

Hardware components are developed and manufactured in a factory.

Frameworks are developed by software engineers using programming languages.


Hardware components are replaced physically by technicians.

Frameworks are replaced by software installation and uninstallation process.


There are some physical limitations like processing speed, storage capacity, etc. in the case of hardware.

Frameworks are limited by software constraints like programming languages, etc.


In conclusion, all these are the important differences between hardware and framework. Both are the two important terms in the field of computer technology. However, they are completely different from each other as described in the above table. The most significant difference between hardware and framework is that hardware are physical components of a system, while frameworks are software tools for applications development.

Updated on: 16-May-2023


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