Difference between CGI and Perl

The acronym CGI and the programming language Perl are frequently confused for one another. Both of these are frequently referred to as "CGI Perl." These two terms refer to two distinct concepts. Your comprehension of both of these terms will improve if you are aware of the unique characteristics that distinguish each of them.

What is CGI?

CGI, or Common Gateway Interface, is a rule set that governs how data can be transferred between web servers and scripts written in programming languages. The use of CGI programmes enables the sending of data in a variety of formats, including audio clips, photographs, documents, and so on.

The vast majority of websites make the most effective use of CGI by having fields for user input. Websites are able to send or receive data from the database, as well as send data to the database thanks to this capability. Users also have the ability to do this for all different kinds of documents and media. By doing so, they are able to provide the audience on the website with the data that they desire by using CGI.

The data on the client's web server is traded using hypertext transfer protocols, and the client or user of CGI is responsible for this. The web browser on the client's machine can send or exchange data from its directory or the CGI programme, depending on the request coming from the browser that is currently being operated on the client's machine.

The programming language "Perl" is utilised quite frequently in CGI web applications. Similar functionality can be achieved in CGI web applications written in a variety of languages by providing input in those languages. However, it is seen that CGI can function properly using Perl.

In the past, Perl was not a widely used programming language like it is today. However, CGI is largely responsible for making Perl well-known to the general public. CGI and Perl gained more users as a direct result of their superior string parsing capabilities and string regulation.

What is Perl?

Larry Wall was the one who invented Perl in 1987. It was intended to serve as the general-purpose writing language for Unix. Around the turn of the century, the programming language Perl began to enjoy widespread adoption. It is clear that Perl has borrowed many features from other programming languages in order to create its own unique set of capabilities.

Perl's capacity for handling text can be put to use in the generation of SQL queries, along with other features of the language like arrays and automatic memory. Perl can be used to customize the arrays or hashes returned by each SQL query.

The interpretation of the data is done using the Perl database interface modules, which are also part of Perl. The Database interface module provides a single interface that is not dependent on any particular database. On the other hand, the Database driver is capable of simultaneously providing access to 50 different interface databases. The DBI module of Perl is most commonly accessed and utilised through the DBIx class or the Rose DB object.

In the year 2020, a new programming language called "Raku" appeared on the scene that was very similar to Perl 5. Raku and Perl 5 eventually went in separate directions after initially being similar. Both of these platforms are now operational in their own right. Both of these are managed by separate teams. In addition to this, it is sometimes referred to as Perl 6.

One more version of Perl is available, and it's called Perl 7. Backward compatibility with the original Perl 5 code is supported by this version of Perl 7. It is comparable to an intermediate step to Perl 5's syntax.

Difference between CGI and Perl

The following table highlights the major differences between CGI and Perl −

Basis of comparisonCGIPerl
DefinitionCGI provides a system interface that can be written in a variety of programming languages.Perl is a powerful, general-purpose programming language.
AcronymsCGI stands for Common Gateway Interface.Perl is an abbreviation for Practical Extension and Reporting Language.
Release DatesCGI was developed in the early 1990s and has been used since then.Perl was first released in 1987.
FlexibilityWhen compared to Perl, CGI is less adaptable.Perl is a more versatile and adaptable programming language to the many different situations that developers work in.
Unique FeatureCGI can be used to perform a unique feature of backend Hookups.Backend Hookups are not available in Perl.


CGI and Perl are typically discussed together. Although CGI is compatible with a number of languages, the general consensus is that Perl is the language that works best when combined with CGI. Because of this, people frequently refer to the combination of these two phrases as "CGI Perl".

However, when we take into account the practical implications of our observations, we can see that these two terms are quite distinct from one another. CGI is a method that creates an interface between the user and the web-server. Perl, on the other hand, is the form of programming that is easily interpreted broadly and can generate reports quickly.

Updated on: 25-Jul-2022


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